Speak Up Pt. 3

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He couldn't count the amount of shocks he had received to his sensitive cock. By the end of the ladies torment, there was drool streaking across his latex chest, sweat pooling in his suit, and a small puddle of precum on the ground in front of him. The girls had laughed and giggled their way through every one of his whimpers and moans as the shocks coursed through his package, his entire body on fire with stinging pain. However, he was confident he wouldn't give up. He didn't know which had a stronger influence, his desire to protect his mistress or resentment towards his captors for the torture they had put him through.

The two latex-clad doms soon removed his cock from the vice and unhooked his ankles from the cuffs. The large ponyboy towered over them on his extended boots, and he nearly collapsed onto one of them from the stress and pain. The girls smiled as they held him up. He barely cared about the pain as they crammed his extended cock and balls back into the interior of his small chastity belt. He actually felt safe and protected beneath the hard metal prison that housed his pony cock. They locked the belt shut around his waist, his metal panties back where they belonged. Elaine had soon disappeared, with Cait holding him upright though he was slowly gaining his strength back. When Elaine had returned, he heard the distinct sound of something being wheeled into the room, almost likely another device to torment him. But Cait held him still with his harness so he was unable to see what would be up next for him. However, instead of moving the ponyboy over to the torturous contraption, Cait moved him back towards the center of the room, to a hook hanging down from the ceiling. Elaine followed suit, dropping something on the ground before joining the two below the hanging mounting point. She quickly went behind the ponyboy, and started to toy with the ring at the end of his armbinder. He felt his arms being hoisted up slightly, like they had been attached to the ceiling ring, but he was too tired and too beaten down to offer any resistance. He was nervous about how far they would pull them up into a strappado position, but Elaine ended up leaving them rather loose. Odd, he thought, but it wasn't like he was going to complain about the reduced stress on his arms than normal. Elaine soon came back to his front within his eyesight. She wore the same blue surgical gloves, but this time held something in her hands.

He couldn't see what it was, but she spoke in a stern tone to a point where all he could focus on was her demanding eyes. "We're gonna switch your latex coat out for a new one. If I feel you resist, try to escape, or fight back at all, Cait is here with her cattle prod and we'll go back to shocking your balls until you pass out... understand?" Lightning tried to nod his head. His package was still on fire and ached constantly from the electric assault. He would be a good pony and sit still, as long as they weren't torturing him at the moment. He did wonder why they were switching his latex though in the back of his mind. Elaine dropped what she had in her hand to the floor and started to remove the ponyboy's harness. She started with the thick leather thigh cuffs, detaching them from the belt piece, and then went towards the heavy "X" of leather that hung on his shoulders and went across his chest. This piece had the heaviest d-ring anchor point on it and was used to spread pulling force over his entire chest and shoulders. She let this drop to the ground. Finally, she removed the tight, thick, cinched black leather belt that covered his waist until he was in just his chastity belt and thick, white splotched coat.

Elaine then reached towards the pony's thick metal chastity belt. Before, he would have figuratively and literally chomped at the bit to have his belt off. But subconsciously he pulled back slightly. His metal prison kept his pony cock safe and secure, his mind was being trained to like the security and constriction of his belt. Because without it meant pain. Elaine smiled. "Don't you fight me pony... I'll get the prod." Lightning groaned as he moved as best he could towards her with his arms pinched behind him. She unlocked his belt again, splitting the two pieces of shiny metal, and dropped it to the floor. The one thing he noticed, catching a glimpse of the metal belt which housed his member, where there once was his mistresses name, there was nothing, just a shiny steel sheen. They must have switched out his old one when they removed it the first time. He was devastated, a mark of his mistress love and approval and ownership gone from his body. The removal of his chastity belt also came with the quick removal of his tail plug, which he squirmed as they quickly slid it out of his right behind without any warning. He moaned slightly as the thick intruder was drawn out of his virgin ass. He didn't have much time to ponder the change in outfit before they were releasing his cramped arms from his laced up leather binder. Although his elbows had been touching for as long as he was on the farm, the tense pain in his muscles had gradually subsided as he got used to his new state as a human horse. However, when they finished removing his binders lacing and his arms slid out, he could do nothing but stretch instinctively, working out the cramps and muscle pains in his constricted arms. Elaine smiled as he stretched his latex covered arms, relaxing his sore tendons by crossing his arms across his chest. His hands however were still useless, trapped in tight, balled fists inside the rubber hooves. He had almost forgot about them, another layer of painful bondage that he had to endure on the daily.

His first thought was to escape. I mean it was him against two girls, and he was almost double their size. But he ran through his options in his head. How many girls were on the farm. Where even was this farm located. His feet were still trapped in high-heeled pony boots that he would have trouble running away from anyone in, and he couldn't even open the locked door of the barn with his hoof hands. Plus, if they did manage to catch him, he didn't even wanna think about what they had in store for him. He decided it was better to just go along with it, and not take the risk. There would be better opportunities than this one, he justified to himself. "Arms out front, and don't move a muscle you dumb pony whore!" Her voice was loud and demanding, and he snapped at her command. She smiled in her sexy latex dress as she strutted behind the large beast and to his back. She felt around underneath his posture collar for the zipper and grabbed it, starting to pull the suit down. She slowly slid the zipper down his back, revealing his true, white skin. It was covered in days old sweat, and more and more of his real body was revealed underneath the thick latex coat. Elaine coughed as she did it. "I forget how disgusting and putrid you pony sluts are. Dirty beasts..." She let out another cough "Glad I'm wearing gloves for this one, I should be wearing a mask too with that foul stench coming off you!" Lightning blushed heavily as he felt the cool air on his skin. He felt lighter, less constricted, naked even. He couldn't remember the last time he had an intimate experience where he was actually not "clothed" in his rubber coat. The rubber suit complete with black and white splotches that Lightning had called home flopped to the floor as she stripped it off his sweat soaked and fully shaven body. Whatever they were feeding this pony or maybe lined his suit with, his body was as smooth as could be. Cait came into view at his front, picking up the rubber suit in an outstretched hand, pinching it away from her as to not get too close which embarrassed him further. She carried it over to a small, clear plastic box, opened up the top, and dropped it in. She then quickly sealed the box, as to preserve the suit. He wondered what would happen next, he felt embarrassed, trying to cover his body with his hand hooves. It was surreal to be naked for the first time in so long even though he was practically naked the entire time. It was just somehow... different. The other thing he was clearly embarrassed about was his smell. After so long without a clean, he reeked, and he knew it. It was humiliating to smell like he did, especially in front of such intimidating and hot girls.

The two doms didn't pay the squirming, blushing, and nervous boy any attention as they prepared for his new suit. There were of course some snide remarks about the pony boy's stink however that didn't make his embarrassment any better. Elaine once again spoke, pulling up the item of clothing she had previously dropped to the floor. She lifted the piece of black clothing up and unzipped it. What little Lightning saw of it he could tell it was another black bodysuit, however this one was less shiny and made of what seemed to be a stretchy, breathable material, sort of like a spandex or Lycra. Lightning was ordered to step his boots into the suit legs, which he obliged willingly. The suit felt nice against his skin. It was thick and tight like his latex, but it felt more open and less slick. She help coax the breathable black spandex up his muscular thighs and over his goin, acting annoyed the entire time. Lightning all the while was consciously and failing not to drool on Elaine or the new suit. The latex-clad dominatrix continued to slide up the suit as she spoke.

"I always find it fun to explain these suits to the ponies that haven't seen them before. These suits are actually called transfer suits. They're used for pets and ponies that are sold or moved to different owners so that we can keep our latex here. They're also used for ponies who work in the field that cannot be slowed down by overheating in latex, or if a pony is allergic to latex. However, we have found another use for these transfer suits." She slid the suit up his chest as he confusedly looked at her. "Cait overheard that many of the handlers were nicknaming these Smell Suits. Girls would actually be annoyed to have to lead or train ponies in these suits because unlike latex, these suits didn't keep the pony stink inside but became soaked in your disgusting horse sweat." Before Lightning could register the woman's words, Elaine had the Smell Suit over his mitts and was zipping it up at his back, encasing his skin in his new black spandex coat.

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