065. 'i hear the sound of my own voice'

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"I can't decide if it's a choice

Getting swept away"

         NO ONE TOLD DODIE JUST how high you could bloody be once you realised that you've just won a legit war. The weight of the battles, the countless sacrifices, and all the unnecessary hardships they had endured were slowly being lifted off their shoulders, replaced by a sense of accomplishment and euphoria.

A jubilant cheer erupted from the surviving campers of Camp Half-Blood. They celebrated their hard-fought victory, their voices blending together in a cacophony of triumph and relief. Percy, Dodie, and Annabeth would've surely joined them, but after having fought Kronos, all they wanted to do was just pass out, and maybe they could do that in the elevator when all of a sudden, Percy had stopped in his tracks.

Dodie wheeled around at him concerningly, thinking that the blow from Kronos hours prior was finally settling in on him. But then she noticed that he was looking elsewhere; she followed his gaze only to spot Hermes standing in a side courtyard of the palace. He was staring at an Iris-message in the mist of a fountain. Dodie looked back at Percy and understood — sometimes, she really did wonder how he could bore such an empathetic heart. Especially to those who had long forgotten empathy.


Percy looked around at her. "What?"

"I said: Go, Percy." She sighed before managing a smile. "Annabeth and I will wait at the lift,"

"Really?" Percy blinked.

"I mean, unless you're not sure, of course," said Dodie.

"Are you sure?" Annabeth raised a brow.

Then Dodie studied his face for a moment. She nodded her head with a muse, not needing any more convincing from him, "He's being the surest he's ever been. Let's just leave him be,"

Dodie pulled Annabeth with her as Percy managed a grateful smile before he made his way to Hermes.

The moment the door opened, Dodie and Annabeth entered the small capsule and collapsed on the ground, watching as the last sight of Mount Olympus disappeared as the doors closed on them. Dodie blew her hair out of her face and let out a long exhale, finally being able to relax after the intensity of the battle and the subsequent events.

Annabeth turned to Dodie, her expression a mix of exhaustion and relief. "I can't believe we actually did it," she said, her voice filled with a sense of awe.

𝐋𝐔𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐘. percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now