Avdol's Death

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Polnareff watched in horror as Avdol was being sucked in that hole, leaving nothing but his arms . He remembered, just a few minutes ago, before they entered the mansion, Avdol had told them: "Listen here, in there, we have to look out for ourselves and only. If we get in trouble, we won't be helping each other. Which means, Polnareff, if you get caught neither me nor Iggy will come saving you. That's a promise."

"Chill Avdol, we'll be fine. Anyways I promise"

The same person that said these words was now standing in front of them, his only remains, his hands. Not for long though as they were sucked in the hole the next moment. Avdol sacrificed his life to save his stupid ass and Iggy, he broke his promise, he contrasted his instincts. Even during his last moments he put their needs over his own, even during his last moments, he only revealed how much he cherished them.

At first he couldn't believe what he'd just witnessed. But he didn't have enough time to process and digest it. They had to run, hide, or he and Iggy would soon join Avdol. His sacrifice would be in vain. No he couldn't die just yet. As long as Dio was alive, he would be too.

Tears formed in his eyes as memories of Avdol flashed right before him. Everything became blurry and he couldn't see any longer. He kept running despite that. So many moments together, so many memories... Never to come again... He thought of their first meeting, Avdol could have killed him back then, there was nothing stopping him, but he didn't, he respected him even though they were enemies. They may have been together for around 40 days but it felt like 40 years, they had laughed, cried, fought together...

His soul finally stood up to face the terrible truth, that Avdol, Muhammad Avdol, was no longer. Avdol would never scold him again. He was gone, dead. His life was taken away, lost never to be found. He had left never to return.

Polnareff would never see his eyes glimmering again, he would never hear the sound of his laughter again, he would never see his warm smile ever again. Avdol was now nothing but a memory. No body parts remained. He was now just an assemblage of memories and emotions that would live through him.

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