Chapter 5, The no name one

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The day was finally over. That felt like a year in there. I was so glad I didnt have to take a bus though that would literally be hell. The screaming kids, bus driver oh god. No thank you.

When I was walking home I seen him again. I hope he didn't see me. But just my luck he did.

------ walks up to me ------

(Thinking bubble)

Oh god what, why, wtf, why is he coming this way. Just act chill, just act FUCKING CHILL KAITLYN YOU CAN Do this. I don't even know anymore.

"Hey Kaitlyn", oh god it was Dylan. "He he hey hi how you chicken your hot wow holy shit what am I saying". "Haha", Dylan was now laughing at me. "Your kinda funny you know", Dylan replied. 'Uh uh uh um ah th thank", I stopped talking and walked away. More like ran away but whatever. He was probably wondering what I was doing. But everyone knows I suck at talking to people.

When I finally got around the corner. Yes around the corner I took out my skull candy headphones out of my 80 year old backpack and zoned the world out. Listening to nothing but the sweet sound of my music. It didn't feel like the same place with music, everything was so much brighter and happier. I didn't feel so afraid as I was without. I loved that feeling, the feeling of normal. I dont know it just felt good I guess.

I finally walked up the couple steps to get to my houses door. Then I took off my shoes and walked to my room. "Ahhh bed, how I missed you", I kept saying over and over again. I didn't care to clean my room today, I just wanted to go home and sleep. I was not excited for tomorrow that's for sure.

All I wanted to do was sleep forever and ever, and never wake up. I could stay in my happy place. Forever and ever. Never a worry.

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