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Third person POV

"Sooo who's paying for all this again?" Steven asked, keeping his gaze set on the road.

"I told you, I used the business card for all the expenses—flight tickets to Seattle, rental car, cruise tickets, and all that. Any purchases made on the ship will go to the card." Peter explained while listing the topics off on his fingers.

"Riiiight, so this is all like one big 'business trip'."

"You could say that," Peter shrugged. He brought the map he was holding up to his head and abruptly pointed to the left. "Turn here!"

Steven quickly banked the steering wheel in the direction Peter had pointed, nearly missing their turn and cutting off a truck behind them which earned the two a few angry honks.

"Sorry! Sorry!" Steven apologized under his breath and sank into his seat a little from embarrassment.

Dee peered out her window, eyes wide with a childlike excitement. Buildings taller than the tallest trees passed by as they drove, some just barely peeking through the coastal fog, that was slowly dissipating with the rising sun, to graze the sky. They had left their motel early that morning to get to the piers earlier so they could load onto the ship with time to spare. She was gonna see the ocean for the first time and she'd never been on a boat before, let alone a cruise ship! Dee...also hadn't been outside the hellhole of a place she called home in quite a while. The puppet had been stuck at Freddy Fazbenders for so long that she'd forgotten what being outside of the damned place was like. Perhaps this new environment will be good for her.

"Look Dee, the Space Needle!" Jack poked his sister, pointing out Dave's window to his left.

There, rising above all the other buildings was a large hunk of metal on stilts that looked like a flying saucer.

"Woah...I thought it would be more impressin' eh old sport? Like life-changing or something."

"It's a building Dave, a landmark that's all it is."

"Yeah, I know but I thought it'd be like seeing the Eiffel Tower or the Statue of Liberty."

Steven pressed on the break as the vehicle came to a red light, his hands patting the wheel along with the rhythm of the music coming from the radio in an attempt to calm his nerves. "How much longer do we have till we get there?".

The sound of crinkling paper filled the car while Peter fiddled with the map. His finger swept over the organized topography lines and street names printed on the paper as he looked for their destination route. "Should just be a couple more hours. We just have to cross this one bridge to get over here, then we'd shoot across over to here to park where we'll have to take a bus to the loading terminal to board the shi- AHH JAY WALKER!".


The brakes squealed as the vehicle struggled to come to a full stop. Fortunately, the car halted just before it could ram right into an elderly woman walking her crusty white dog.

Peter swore his heart skipped a beat at that moment. After releasing the death grip he had on the car door handle, he whirled around in his seat to check on everyone. "Is everybody okay?".

Dee's face had slammed into the back of Peters' seat while Jack and Dave clutched onto each other subconsciously. But as soon as they realized what they were doing they quickly untangled their limbs from the others'.

"I think that if I had a nose it would be broken now," Dee grumbled, rubbing her masked face.

Jack dusted his shirt off of nonexistent dirt to distract himself from the heat rising to his face. "Dave, why'd you yell speed bump?".

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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