
105 11 4

🕊"Expecting it all to go bad
is nothing against living the moment it all falls to the ground"🕊

The tension hangs heavy in the room as I hold back from fidgeting from the nerves spiking through my skin from the hard look that Sonyeon is giving us all. It feels like she is staring right through me seeing every single little lie I have and I can't help but feel the tears form in fear of what is next.

I knew this was going to happen but...I wish it was later now that I'm facing it

Looking around I see the rest of them look around in shock and paled faces while it's clear they are wondering who it belongs to and if it is real. Each of them know it isn't theirs yet they don't know if the one sitting next to them or accross from them is the one who it belongs to and I can say that being the person it belongs to feels like a bomb getting ready to explode at any moment when it gets pulled into the seat of the guilty person.

Please don't hate me...

"Now, let's not waste any time and get right to the point since you seriously don't want to test my patience right now. Tell me who these tests belong to" She raises them again and I swallow harshly while trying to take in calming breaths without letting everything out in a single second.

I'm stronger than this and am just emotional from everything but it doesn't change the fact that I need to keep my calm since it is one of the things I am best in.

Or was....

"Is...is it positive?" I hear Heejin ask with her voice low in disblief and see the way Sonyeon moves her hard glare towards the youngest while looking her over almost trying to scan her behaviour and see if it is her. A painful squeeze comes from my heart knowing that look should be pointed at me and I try my best to build the courage to open my mouth to not make any of them be questioned.

"Yes all 4 of these tests are positive which means one of you, one of our members has something to tell us immediately" Sonyeon says with her voice low and giving off a warning to not mess with her as she places the tests on the table in front of us making everyone's eyes snap to the objects and my eyes tear up.

I hear a whispered 'no' and the tension in the room rises feeling suffocating and feeling like it won't take too long before the bubble gets popped letting it all out.

"Is this yours Heejin-ah?" She asks and Heejin shakes her head immediately with wide eyes looking accused as she leans more into my side seeking reasurance which makes me feel sick at the irony.

"No I swear that isn't mine! You all know I'm extremely single and I didn't break the ban plus I know for a fact that I did not buy or test any pregnancy tests ever" She leans back and I see a flash of relief fill Sonyeon while biting down on the inside of my cheek feeling the silence start again.

"I believe you, don't worry I know you can't lie about something this big but-" She presses her lips into a thin line as she looks at the rest of us while narrowing her eyes.

"This is something I'm dead serious about right now and I am not playing around with saying one of you need to confess because these are not negative and one of you need to explain this" The coldness in her tone returns while I lower my gaze feeling the fear bubble more under my skin. I need to confess now, there is no way out of it.

Do it Minrei...do it-

"Do you three have anything to say? We already got the fact down that it isn't me and it isn't Heejin-ah so it has to be one of you three" Sunhee sucks in a deep breath and I see in the corner of my eye how she looks between me and Areum knowing Areum is probably looking between me and Sunhee.

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