Ramblings and notes..

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Part One,

I cannot explain our connection, my desire to love, praise and hold you close to me forever.

My partner, we do everything together, everything reminds me of you.

I'll know you and love you forever, the little things, the big things and the in between.

I can hear you in the mornings, I can see you at night when I'm asleep.

You are so ingrained in my mind you never really left me.

You are the colors of the changing leaves, the cold air in the mornings, and the magic in the light.

My love for you is blind,
With no meaning of time.

You are the beating of my heart, the light of my eyes and the warmth of my soul.

I hope you get to be happy again even if it's not with me. I love you.

You are the light of my life, the heat of my heart.

I want to hope in my heart we will persevere and be back together again.

Nah I think this one's stuck with me for life even if not present.
Love doesn't end simply because you are gone.
I hope he gets to be happy elsewhere with anybody else.
But he'll always be in my heart.
Always with me even subconsciously.
I'm not ashamed of that either.
I'm lucky.

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