Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The old school had stood still far too long, there was dust coating every surface. Spiderwebs hung like curtains and the floor had begun too rot it was. Edward Mcneil, a rich business man, wanted so much for his daugther Rebecca. She was all he had since the accident that killed his wife. Their house had burned down and had left him and the baby penniless. The last ten years he had worked all the time to give Rebecca a good life. Now he would buy the old school and refurnish it to make it perfect for his beautiful daughter Rebbeca, she looked so much like her mother it hurt him so badly. Finally he would do it, he would build the school she talked about, he would fix the old dump and make it look just like the school Rebbeca talked about.

Rebbeca woke up with her papa standing over her he smiled at her and said

"Good morning angel" Rebbeca smiled back and told her papa good morning. He left her to get dressed and Rebbeca sat up and stared in her mirror, her bright green eyes shone at her and she smiled. She felt like something would change .

A few days later....


Rebbeca stood by her father by the new school that he had built just for her. She was amazed .

"I can't believe you did this for me papa thank you so much " She said as she hugged her papa.

"Well , I didn't build the school, you can thank the workers for that". Her papa said with a grin.

Rebbeca walked with her father around the school he spoke with a fast pace only pausing to beam at her .

"Papa, its perfect, you worry far to much" Rebbeca said with a smile on her face .

"Papa? May I have my own locker?" Rebbeca questioned.

"Yes darling, you may. This school is just for you. You can have anything you want." He smiled at her as Rebbeca walked to a long row of metal lockers that glistened with their fresh coat of paint still damp.


A few days later, Rosewood Academy had opened and streams of the soon to be best minds in the country flowed in. Rebbeca was the happiest she had ever been in a long time. She had her school, plenty of other new friends and best of all her own special locker.

A girl with long blonde curls raced up to rebbeca and smiled.

Hi, my name is Ellie ,Ellie cook i'm sure we will be great friends she said . 


Ellies pov

I walked up towards the girl standing at my sisters locker , the locker that had been MINE untill her rich father bought the school and restored it ,just for her .

Hi, my name is Ellie ,Ellie cook i'm sure we will be great friends i said with a smirk on my face she would never see as long as we were "friends".

rebbeca walked to the classroom across the hall humming a tune i remembered from when i was younger and not dead. 

i started to fade, to shimmer , and dissapear so i slipped back into the place that i had called my home ,my prison and my grave.

Rebbeca would make a good sister i thought as i rested , she was prety sweet and kind .

she will be next.


r pov

I walked away from my locker with a smile on my face , ellie seemed just like me , happy , pretty and smart .

Icouldn't wait to get to know her better .

I was in Mrs. Oaks class who was a very pretty young woman inside and out. 

Today she was teaching us about the world we live in and the possibilities of our future a while later it was lunch so i went to my locker to get my lunch bag and head to lunch. 

standing besides my locker was Ellie cook smiling at my with her perfect white teeth.

"Hi Rebbeca" she said with a dazzleing smile on her face.  

i said hi and worked on opening my locker.

finaly the lock clicked and the door creaked open a blast of cold air made me shiver int he sunny corridor .

I looked over at Ellie and saw her standing as if she hadn't noticed the sudden chill.

I grabbed my lunch and hurried away suddenly my locker didn't feel like a good thing to have personally it felt like a curse to have.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

the next day quickly passed i didn't see Ellie at all and i was relieved. sometimes Ellie scared the end of the day i went to grab the coat i had forgotten in my locker during lunch. i opened the locker it was on the floor so i leaned down and picked it up my coat that was on the floor when a voice said something to me i turned around and i was pushed into the locker my head hitting the back of my locker and now i realised what the voice had said.



i waited for my daughter to come to the office but she never came.

for the rest of my life i waited to get a call from her kidnapper they never called and days after Rebecca disappeared i shut down rosewood academy and later sold it to a nice couple.

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