Another story idea

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There is going to be so many story ideas in this book. And this is a story that I had started 

Bry'cn is sent to a private school isolated from the world. He makes quick friends with Joel and Collin. Joel is very energetic and dumb. Collin is standoffish at first and rude, but he opens up to them and becomes nicer. Bry'cn doesn't have many connections but is still treated well due to him being hot, kind, and a pretty chill person. He still has some people who give him shit about it, but there's not too many people. 

 Collin and Joel have families that are held in high regard and are respected because of it. Bry'cn notices a pattern of people with well-respected families. They always leave the campus, or so he believes. One night Bry'cn follows Joel and Collin. Collin and Joel are dressed up rather nicely and wear a masquerade mask. Bry'cn grabs a spare mask off Collins's desk and chases after the pair. 

They go off of the school grounds and into a Victorian-style mansion. Bry'cn loses Collin and Joel as soon as they step into the ballroom. Not too concerned about that fact, Bry'cn starts to explore the other rooms of the mansion. Bry'cn soon finds out that most rooms are locked from the inside, making the whole search rather boring. Sighing in defeat, Bry'cn starts to make his way back to the ballroom in hopes of finding Collin and Joel. After several minutes of being lost, Bry'cn finally finds the ballroom. 

Inside the ballroom, people are in a waltz, dancing gracefully, not missing a beat. Bry'cn stands around awkwardly, not knowing what to do. Trying to find something to do to not look like a deer caught in the headlights, Bry'cn finds himself over at the concession stand. Everything looks so expensive and tantalizing, but Bry'cn doesn't eat anything.

"What are you doing over here? A young man as fine as you should be on the dance floor." Startled, Bry'cn nearly bumps against the concession stand. The man chuckles at Bry'cn's antics. "I'm terrible at dancing, plus I'm waiting on a few someones." The man looks him up and down taking in Bry'cn's appearances. 

 "Why don't I teach you how to dance? It'd be a shame to go to the ball to just stand and watch." Bry'cn considered the man for a moment. Not wanting to be out of place Bry'cn agreed. "The next song is going to happen soon. Are you ready?" He extends his hand to Bry'cn, who takes it after a moment of hesitation. The man leads Bry'cn over to the dance floor. "Place your hand on my shoulder, and when I move forward you move back and when I move back you move forward." Bry'cn nods his head hesitantly. 

"I think I got it, but I'm definitely going to need some practice runs." Before anything else happened the next song started playing. It was a nice romantic song with a bit of energy to it. The man leads me further into the crowd, not yet bothering to waltz. We soon come to a stop. " You ready? " He questions. "

Ready as I'll ever be." Bry'cn answers, shrugging. He lifts their interlocked hands to the height of their shoulders. He looks at Bry'cn expectantly. Bry'cn, cocks his head to the side, " What?" But before the man could respond Bry'cn rushed to put his arm on the man's shoulder. The man chuckles, placing his hand on Brynn's hip. " What's your name? I never caught it. " Bry'cn said to the man mid twirl.

"Do you want a real name or a fake name?" The man inquires in a way to were you couldn't tell if he was joking or not. He smiled at Bry'cn, clearly enjoying the look of confusion on the teens face. "A real one." Bry'cn shoots back, slightly annoyed.

That's all I got. i don't think that I could give any more if I'm going to be honest. I'll go back and add more most likely.

And to the few people who still read my stories, could you please comment and give me feed back? I do want to improve on my writing and I want to see if it's any good. Have a good day/night!! :]

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