(Pilot) Friend In Need

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"Byul, we have to go, this place is full of them!!!" The black haired girl shouted to her partner.

Byul in the meantime tried to gather the supply they needed to survive and something more. Something more personal. The younger one wasn't bluffing, there were Freakers everywhere. While she tried to protect the back of her companion, the murmurs of the zombies became more and more louder.

"WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS!" Hyejin yelled and grabbed Byul by the arm.

The skinny girl pulled out her hand from the other one's and searched for something specific.

"I can't leave it here." She said and her hand touched something familiar.

"I found it, let's go." Byul said and they ran out of the house full of rotten corpses of previous human beings.

When they reached out and made sure they're not in danger anymore, the younger one pushed the other on the ground angrily.

"The fuck is wrong with you!?! I said no more close calls, then you risking our lifes like they can't kill us in a blink of an eye." Hyejin said raging.

Byul remained laid on the ground. She knew her partner is right, but she had to find it. Nothing left from her, just that one little piece of metal.

"I'm sorry, okay? I won't do it again, I found it." She said.

"What was that you were searching for anyway?" Hyejin asked a bit calmer than before.

Byul reached her pocket and took out the round thing from it. She threw it to the angry woman.

"Really? A fucking coin?" She asked unbelievably.

"You don't get it." Byul said taking away the bit from her friend's hand.

"Next time, you'll come alone, I'm full of your shit." Hyejin said and started walking back to their hideout.

"Awww, I know you wouldn't leave me alone. You love me, remember?" Byul said joking with her.

"Stop doing this, I'm seriously angry with you now. I get it okay, I was there. But isn't it a bit too much? It was years ago...you know, she's probably de..." Hyejin tried to say but Byul interrupted.

"If you want to wake up tomorrow, don't continue this sentence." Byul said dead serious.

"Alright, but you're crazy. You're going full nuts before you'd find her. Just saying." She said and left her friend behind.

The hideout was in the middle of nowhere, deep in the forest. Once it was a hunter lodge, but the girls developed it to be more safer for them. Narrow paths lead to the safe place, and because it was on a platform, they could see from miles away if someone is approaching them. But as it was mentioned, in the forest there're many hiding places if someone wants to take their lifes.

Speaking of taking their lifes, I know you're confused. Zombies won't hide in bushes, waiting for the right moment to attack. I wasn't talking about zombies.


Yes, you read it right. In another universe, if a zombie apocalypse happen, people'd come together, and try to fight with the dead. But the painful truth is, people are selfish. Which leads to gang wars and massacres.

Like when there were only the living ones, if the the neighbours grass is more greener, you want theirs. Or if someone is wealthier, you'd kill him for that, because we are animals. We're egoistic, brutal and souless. That's the truth.

Someone said, that humans are the worst kind of animal. Why? Because only we kill for enjoyment.

Back to the sect. There's a cult who believes that everything happened for a reason, it's a religious thing. And nothing is wrong with belief, until you don't kill in the name of your god, which exactly what they are doing. If you won't join them, they'll torture you till you beg for death to come.

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