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The girls spent the following days in the camp, looking around, exploring the area. Everyone had a specific job to do. The camp located near to a pond so there were some men who caught fishes, there were ladies who cooked them, hunters, raiders and of course guards. Coleman said the girls main task will be bounty hunting but they'll eventually have to raid. Loco showed them his detailed map, but Byul's expectation was a bit high. Her map was still better than his. The maps contained drifter camps, Sect hideouts, checkpoints of the rescue squad, and almost all of them were destroyed by the Feds or a big amount of Freakers. But there was something that Byul didn't mark on her map.

"What're those red circles?" She asked pointing at four big red mark.

"I'm glad you asked. I'm not really sure, but let me explain. So daylight, there are fewer Freakers out here,right?" He asked.

The girls nodded with full concentration.

"But at night there're much more, so they're hiding somewhere. And when I went out to raid, in these areas, I felt an unbelievably disgusting, rotted smell. Now, the Freakers smell bad because of the not alive bodies they are in." He said chuckling.

Byul and Hyejin were confused at this point, Loco looked like someone who lost his mind.

"I call these circles "infestation zones". I believe there're Freaker nests and if I'm right, we could make night rides safer, if we'd destroy those." He explained.

"I don't know man, I mean you sound right, but nests? Are these birds or what the fuck?" Byul asked not believing.

"He's maybe right, Byul. We should check them out." Hyejin said.

"That's my Jinie." Loco said smiling.

Hyej just nodded and Byul was still debating.

"Okay, we'll ride out in the daylight, I need to see. Does Coleman know about these?" She asked.

"Not yet, I wanted to explore them a bit more before tell him." He said.

"Do we have a task? Cause if not, I think we are good to go, like right now." Hyejin suggested.

"Let's go before he finds us something to do." Byul said and they hurried to get their backpacks.

The trio went out on their bikes to see with their own eyes' the "nests". They aimed the nearest one, don't need to waste gasoline on the farest one if it's not what Loco thinks. The ride was peaceful, thank god, just a few Freakers were on the road which they successfully eluded.

When they arrived, the girls cleared the area while Loco tried to locate the "nest". It was harder than he thought, because he just circled a big part of the map and he wasn't sure where to look for the nest. Hyejin and Byul decided to do some campwork and searched the nearby cars and places for parts and useful stuffs.

It took a while but Loco found out where to go and they walked to the direction of the nest.

"Euw, what the fuck is that smell?" Byul said almost throwing up.

Loco and Hyejin covered their noses before he answered.

"I told you, I'll be right. Let's go to the direction of the smell." He stated and Byul's eyes widened.

Is he fucking kidding me? She thought.

They slowly approached the building which in Loco thought is the nest. God, he was right.

"Oh my God, I can't believe it." Byul said mouth open.

"I told you." Loco said proudly.

It was like a bird nest, but much bigger. The smell was awful, almost unbareable.

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