Chapter 6

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Taehyung's POV : 

my heart is attached to him from the first second i laid my eyes on him , he reminds me of my self , yes it's me who going through the same incident like him , but with the fucker in the orphanage , he was the owner and i was just a 11 years kid , the memories still vivid in my head , i know exactly how he feel now , the void in his eyes , the insecurities at every touch , the sleepless nights , it was never easy for me , i don't know how i would survive without my hyungs , but he is all alone , so i can't let him go , i need him to trust us , to feel that he is one of our family , that we can protect him , but i'm afraid that my broken self would harm him.

but i need to try my best to be gentle and try to deal with him softly to heal him and hopefully heal my broken heart  too.


it was a chaotic morning as usual everyone is getting ready  before having breakfast and go to there duty and it's the first day for home schooling for Jimin which i will start with him as per our schedule 

Jimin is sitting on Yoongi's lap having his breakfast , this cold hearted getting too soft for this kid i don't know what happen to him 

Yoongi : " stop playing around angel and eat your food "

Jimin : " i'm full hyung you put too much food in my plate " 

Yoongi : " no i didn't you just get 2 bites from your plate so don't fool me and finish it right now "

Jimin : " i don't want too, please hyung " and he laid his head on Yoongi hyung shoulder , where is my strict hyung? i'm losing it 

Taehyung : " hey kid don't slay and finish your breakfast we have a schedule to start we don't have time for your childish act " he flinched when i talked with my stern voice and hide his face in Yoongie hyung chest 

 Yoongi : " don't be scared baby he is right , you need to eat , hmm , can i feed you to finish it fast " he nodded his head still hide his face in yoongi hyung chest , God he is spoiling him and i can't do anything 

but thank god he ate his breakfast and we headed to his room to start the first class , he is deadly scared , i didn't know that i can be scary to this extend 

Taehyung : " hey kid come here " i called him to stand in front of me and he was trembling but walked to me looking down , i raised his head by his chin and hold his cheek with my hands 

Taehyung : "  first of all you don't need to be this scared when you are with me , i will not hurt you , never , i just sometimes need to be strict for your own good , you need to eat to be healthy , you need to study to be successful , i just need you to be fine nothing else , so you can trust me .

Jimin : " bu.. but you look scary " i chuckled

Taehyung : " yes i know sometimes cause i don't like to speak too much , but i can assure you that i will never hurt you , i love you Jimin you remind me by me old self , so i can see my childhood in you , so just be your self and don't think too much okay ?"

he smiled a heavenly smile  that captured my heart 

Jimin : " thank you hyung "

Taehyung : " okay let's start our first lesson  , I will teach you letters, writing and reading , Jin will teach you the science and J-hope will teach you Math  okay " 

Jimin : " okay , i know how to write my name "

Taehyung : " woow , great let's start from there and show me " 


Taehyung : " you know Jimin you are smart , i didn't think you will be this fast learner , i think you will be joining a normal school so soon  " 

Jimin : " really hyung , but there are a lot of things that i don't know  "

Taehyung : " yes i know and it is normal but you will learn it so soon just don't loose your hope and work hard , with this smart bran you have , you will reach it fast , you smart kid " he started to jump and he hugged me tightly that take me of guard

Jimin : " thank you hyung " 

this kid is still so pure how can he trust us just by treating him good for this short period of time  , thank god we are the one who find him 

Taehyung : " welcome Jimin , i need to till you something little one , you are too pure for this world , you still have time to join the outside world but i need you to be careful , not all of people is like us , and not all of them is like your uncle , just share with us anything will happen with you okay , anyone will try to make a move to you till me or anyone of your hyungs okay"

Jimin : "when i came here i was totally broken , i thought i will never trust anyone again , but you are treating me like my parents did , so i can't help but trusting you , is it wrong ??"

Taehyung : " no baby it is not , but just us okay , don't trust soo easily so we can protect you okay ! "

Jimin : " okay hyung i will not , and by the way , you are not scary , you are kind like what Yoongi hyung said " and he kissed my cheek " this kid 

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