What's Wrong?

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For Male Readers

"Is something bothering you?" I asked, Hanni just nodded, not even looking at me.

"why? did I do something wrong?" she didn't seem to respond and just kept on walking without me.

What happened?

As I chased her down, I immediately grabbed her wrist to stop her.

"why? tell me, I'll understand." I said, firming my grip onto her wrist.

"Y/n..I've been wanting to tell you this for a really long time now, yet, I can't seem to do so, that's what's bothering me, Y/n." she then proceeds to walk along as I let myself accept her answer.

As I let go of her, I had a very doubtful feeling inside me, I couldn't seem to think of a good reason why.

"she'll tell me once it's time, right?" I reassured myself, yet, it didn't sound too ensuring.

she knows she can tell me anything, it's fine.

it's not, knowing myself, I'd keep thinking about what she said all night.

just let it go, y/n, a girlfriend needs some privacy, too, no matter if you're her boyfriend.

As I walked back home, I got a message from my father,

"hey y/n, since me and your mother are gonna have a Church Wedding soon, I'd love for you to be my Best Man, if that's okay with you that is."

I was OVER THE MOON with this one message, it felt like it cured all of my problems and doubtful feelings, of course I'd love to be my parents' Best Man in their wedding as their biological son.

with that, I immediately replied,

"of course, dad, I would more than love to, when is it held?"

"just next week, but prepare yourself tomorrow, you'll be coming to our house so we'll check the size for your attire, be here at 3:00 PM or so"

"okay, dad, I'll be sure to cancel my plans for tomorrow"

"how about hanni? Your mom said she should be one of the Bridesmaids, would she be okay with that? go ask her first, if not, we can always find another one."

Then, a realization hits me,

would she be okay with being a Bridesmaid?

I replied,

"I don't know yet dad, but yeah, I'll ask her first to see what her thoughts would be in it."

I went to my contacts to find a name that says, "My short queen", but as I found it, I was dumbstruck to find out that Hanni had blocked me,

so I quickly tried to contact her in other social media platforms, but she also blocked me in those.

Feeling defeated, I went back to my dad's contact and messaged him,

"sorry dad, I don't think she wants to."

I sigh, feeling hurt by what she just did, I'm not even excited for the wedding anymore.

why would she do this?

Did she technically break up with me now?

Whatever it is, I really hope I didn't do anything wrong to her.

I recalled my moments with her, trying to remember if I had done anything wrong at all,

but none seems to pop out of my thoughts.

"I hope you aren't mad at me or anything, Hanni." I said to myself, before going to bed and sighing.

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