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(kaite is based off of a real trail guide player i met at the roblox game with the same name, i can't find his roblox profile though unfortunately)

United States, Odessa, Texas: 17th of March, 2003 (St. Patrick's Day)

"Ughhh... why are we here again?" Gumi whined exhaustedly, rolling her eyes and hunching her back. She twisted her neck to the left, groaning in satisfaction with an ecstasy-inducing pop before returning to grimacing while tapping her feet against the cold tile flooring. "At a god damn... flesh pit..."

"Come on, we'll be juuust fine!" Cody beamed, shrugging his shoulders with a wide grin plastered on his face and his head having a slight enthusiastic tilt to it as he spoke. "Isn't that right, fellas?"

"I'm not sure. Being in the caverns of a superorganism..." Nebula trailed off as he nervously flickered his purple eyes across the lobby that was swarming with visitors, swallowing hard in his throat. "...the idea of that makes me feel, VERY uncomfortable."

"Who planned this trip, again?" Fire asked nonchalantly as he slid a finger across the many photographs on the lobby of other visitors that have taken photographs in the park. He let his head hang back as he watched his four other friends standing around in a terribly assembled circle.

User, on the other hand, remained quiet as he scanned the manual that read, "Wildlife Safety" in his hands while keeping in touch with his friends' complaining, questions, encouragements and distress. He hauled his backpack behind him as he leaned against the wall, carefully reading through the contents.

"Oh well, enough with all that grousing and anxiety. We've flew all the way here to Texas just for this, haven't we? So, we're going to go in no matter what!" Cody declared in a loud voice as he placed his hands on his hips to look more confident.

"That is... AFTER we get through THAT thing," Nebula countered as he eyed the unrealistically long line tailing at the front counter for tickets and tours. He let out a faint huff as he shook his head, his mind putting together how long it'd take to get through, pushing aside minor inconveniences and potential issues that were highly likely to occur.

User finally put down the booklet in his hands. With a roll of his eyes, he commented, "Well, we've got to give Cody some credit... he is right about one thing. We flew all the way here for this, we can't just turn around and march our way out of here after being stuck in traffic for... I'm not sure... 2 hours?"

"Great, finally! Someone who agrees!" Cody exclaimed, feeling more relieved.

"I don't agree about being in a superorganism theme park being a good idea though," User added.

"..." Cody simply narrowed his eyes in silence, looking away in disappointment and frowning.

"Alright, alright, whatever, geez! Let's just get this whole long queue thing out of the way," Gumi grumbled, walking over to the queue to secure them a spot in the waiting line. "Are any one of you coming, or what?"

The remaining four exchanged looks before joining her.

"I'm starting to regret bringing a camper bag that's filled all the way to the maximum," Cody sighed, rubbing the side of his aching neck with his already sweaty palms. "I mean, I've got so many things in this shit... especially portable stuff." The others gave him a look that all spoke for itself: "sucks to be you".

"...what, did you ACTUALLY think we were going to be camping out in caves and forests of flesh?" User questioned, his expression changing to one of disgust before switching back in a split moment.

"What? Of course!" Cody reproached at his dumb comment - in his words - while huffing. User didn't bother to retort.

Minutes trickled away as they impatiently waited in line, each having their equal share of agreements on why someone in front of them wasn't even supposed to line up.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2023 ⏰

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coffee, camping, engineering, fire and a pumpkin in a flesh pitWhere stories live. Discover now