Be Calm (Fun.) 2

14 2 3

|| Suddenly I'm lost, on my street, on my block || You hate your pulse because it thinks you're still alive.
And everything's wrong ||

{{next day}}
{Dean's POV}
Last night I walked into a bar straight and walked out bisexual.

Bars are weird places.

But I walk in again, hopefully to see Castiel, or Cas as I have nicknamed him.

The door is pushed open and I look around, and finally decide on going to see if Cas is here tonight.

I really hope he is.

"Hey Jo!" I call, as she walks over to me, the bar not entirely filled with men who hate feelings yet.

"Hi, I'm assuming your usual?" She asks, turning around to prepare it.

"Yeah, but would the singer from last night happen to be here tonight?" I ask quietly.

Jo laughs, "Does Mr. Winchester have a crush?"

"Pfft, what, no." I say, hand waving dismissively.

"Yeah, okay, sure Dean." She says with a smile. "And to answer your love-struck question, Castiel is going to be here at 11."

It was 10, I still had an hour to go.

"Dammit." I mumble.

I really don't want to stay here, but I really don't want to go either.

Jo slides the beer towards me as I sit on one of the stools.

"You waiting?" She calls from the other side, helping another customer.

"Yeah, if I leave I'll be back too late."

She chuckles, not audibly,I only know becuase of the way her back moved, and her partial smile, but it was more her back.

"Stop laughing at me Joanna Beth Harvelle." I tell her, straight faced.

"I'm not laughing, you're laughing." She said.

"That's my line!" I defend, rolling my eyes.

"Sorry I'm late!" A man shrieks, who looks completely unorganized.

Jo and I look at him, I tense, Jo sighs.

"Go get ready in the back." She tells him, opening the door for him.

He runs towards the back, "Who was that?" I ask, raising a brow.

Jo runs a hand through her hair, "Nobody, just keep getting drunk, Winchester."

I nod, and take a gulp.

I look around, finally at the clock in the back of the room.


Or I think.

The man, Castiel, exited the room, "Can I just go on now?" He asked.

"Yeah, but just so you know, we got another entertainer, you only get one song from now on." Jo answered.

"Well I've only been singing one song since day five, so not a big change Jojo." Castiel said.

"My name is not Jojo, Clarence." She says behind gritted teeth.

"You just sound like Meg." Castiel says, messing up Jo's hair.

"I am going to kill you- sorry Dean- but Sir you are asking for it!" She yells at him, a shard of glass in her hand.

Castiel rolled his eyes, "Sorry Dean?" He asked Jo, stepping out of reach.

Jo's eyes widen and look back at me, "Shit." She mumbled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2015 ⏰

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