~'Chapter 2'~

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{  Hola Pavlova's :]  }
BTW I thought I would inform you, of slow updates because EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER in this book is going to be 1000 words or more.
Thank you and enjoy!

|Bandi's POV|
I groan in boredom as I listen to Doni blabber on, already sick of his presence as we walk down the snowy path. It's going to take a lot of willpower not to knock him out and let me breathe the great relief of peace... I mean, he's in survival mode. Wait. No, he's helping me. What am I thinking?

Wouldn't be a bad idea though...

"Bandi!" Doni yells kicking me in the leg and making me let out a quick yelp as I glare at him with disapproval of his quick action, my leg still stinging a little from the fast impact of Doni's leg.

"What the hell!?" I yell turning my head towards the snickering owl before rolling my eyes, annoyed at the annoying duck walking next to me.

"Your fault for not listening. Now come on we're almost down the mountain..." Doni states as he continues walking, I watch for a little before following after him along the path running up next to him.

"Where exactly are we going again?" I ask as I wait for his answer. Doni glances at me but his eyes quickly return to the path. 

"We're going through the oak forest down the mountain. I saw some of them go in there. Maybe Renn is there..." Doni states as he continues walking, the atmosphere changing to a cold stern atmosphere. Wonder why... Is he hiding something...

"Something wrong, Doni? It seems your bantering has disappeared..." I ask him as we continue walking with the thick tension building up between us. He's hiding something. I just know it... But what would he hide...

"Just a little worried... That's all..." Doni replies, not backing an eye to me. This just raises my suspicion even more than before.
Does he think I'm dumb? What a liar...

"Alright..." I simply reply, not wanting to start any conflict between the owl and me, for Renn's sake. Wouldn't want there to be even more tension than there already is, so I just followed by Doni's side, occasionally glancing at Doni to see if he was doing any suspicious activity, luckily for me, he wasn't... Just yet.

I felt like we were walking around in circles, grumbling at the owl wasting my time with his silly excuses at the long walk, it was obvious we were lost, even though he didn't know where we were going, but of course when I tried to complain he'd say he 'knows' where we are going...

"I swear I know where we're going-" Doni tries to say, for the sixth-thousandth time, but he is quickly cut off by my annoyed, stern voice, sick of his blabbering and his horrible attempts at trying to 'reassure' me, which was always the same thing...

"Just face it Doni! We. Are. LOST!" my tone was harsh and annoyed, making us both stop in our tracks, nervous sweat dripping from Doni's forehead, but he quickly wiped it away, and his face twisted to a guilty-filled one, that he tried to hide.

"Yeah... We are lost. I thought I knew my way and I. Didn't..." Doni explains, avoiding my piercing glare, but I calm down by taking deep breaths, calming my nerves, this whole situation was just piled up anger.

"You didn't have to pretend you 'knew' where we were going. You didn't... I have a map in my bag, we can try and use that. Sorry. For yelling... I'm just a little. Over the edge, you know? This whole thing is messing with my attitude..." I explain rubbing my templates, as I see a small smile appear on Doni's face but it quickly disappears as if he realized something.

My head shifts up to look at Doni.
"Something wrong, Doni?" I ask him, raising my eyebrow at his over-the-edge look, but he quickly covers it with a chuckle.

"Just thinking about Renn..." he replies, I had a feeling he was hiding something... I always have this feeling about him... Even if he hasn't done anything to prove it.

Pushing aside my gut feeling that is screaming at me not to trust him, he hasn't given me any reason not to trust him. He is impulsive and annoying sometimes but that's just Doni...
I let out a sigh, allowing my train of circling thoughts to disappear from my head.

'I can trust Doni...'


After a few minutes of mindless walking and checking the map in my hands, he tried to navigate our selves to an outpost of some sort to see where the hell we were, but soon gave up because of our tired bodies needing a well-deserved rest for our working bodies, slumping my bag down so it's leaning against a tree trunk.

I search through it for my tent stuff while Doni behind me is already setting up his tent, I hear his loud wooden hammer slam against the wooden stakes in print them into the ground so it stay stable.

"Ah hah! Found it!" I say in a prideful voice pulling out the tent supplies I packed from my bag, I knew I packed it with me, a huge smile across my face as I turn to show Doni I packed it.
Doni is already sitting down on the logs we dragged over here to use as chairs, but he just nods acknowledging that I had finally found my tent stuff.


I had now set up my tent (after only 7 minutes) 6 meters away from Doni's tent, wiping the sweat that was drizzling down my forehead, with a relieved sigh escaping my mouth I sat down next to Doni on the decently long oak log.
When I looked at Doni, he looked... Paranoid.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask him looking at him as his eyes stay glued to the ground, deep in thought but still listening since I heard a small mumble from him, I couldn't understand it, at least he's listening though...

"I'm gonna go get firewood..." Doni says standing up and walking into the forest, disappearing in with the blends of greens around the forest leaving me to look at the falling sun, watching the blends of orange and yellow disappear and be replaced with navy blues and blacks and a shining bright moon lighting over the world with a white tint.

I let out a sigh,
"Doni has to leave just as the sun went down? What a dumb owl..." I say to myself out loud, rolling my eyes at Doni's stupid choice to go out as soon as it turns dark, I just wait patiently for the owl to be back with the firewood, feeling the cold, almost misty air on my skin making me put on a jumper.


Lynix's POV ᓚᘏᗢ
My eyes shimmer a poison green, my rough boots making the heel sound spread across the house on the wooden floor, keeping a stern look across my face, a hand held tightly onto the sword handle a sense of power running through my body.

I push open the tall, fancy spruce wood doors and into the open office where two males sat in seats in front of a medium-length dark wooden desk, having an intimate look to it as my smile becomes longer stretching over my face as I sit in the tall seat in front of the two.
Bionic and Quiff...

"You may be wondering why I asked for you here?" I ask them, only receiving a nod from the two males and a death glare from Quiff's piercing brown eyes as I chuckle my poison eyes scanning their nervous body language, only making me smile more before it disappears only leaving a small smirk.

I slide the paperwork page, Quiff being the first one to read it than Bionic, I wait patiently for their reaction knowing it was going to be priceless.

As they finish reading it Quiff's hand slams onto the desk in an angered state while Bionic is just shocked from reading the paper, making me let out a loud chuckle, as Quiff starts to raise his voice.

"I WILL NOT FOLLOW YOUR ORDERS!" Quiff squeals with anger, shooting up out of his chair in a fit of rage, grinding his teeth as Bionic also stands up.
"I won't follow your orders either!" They both had stern, anger-filled voices, glaring at me with hatred, making me let out a giggle.

"Don't make me laugh... You do not have a choice..."


Hope you enjoyed this crappy chapter I made!
1410 words

Written By Kurai
Edited By Shark Jaws

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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