Easily Offended Friends (LAST CHAPTER OF BOOK 1 SPECIAL)

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RAAAH we've come so far guys I'm finally on the last chapter of this book (there's a 200 chapter limit). So to celebrate, have this lengthy chapter 🤩


Cinnamon: Man this turkey sandwich is so good, so glad we came here ^^

Skies: I know! The food is ALWAYS good here, and it's great value too

Cinnamon: Yeah it is

Melfi: you guys are always SO positive, it's really great. I know some people that are negative and they can't see good in anything. And people like that are not very pleasant to be around.

Zikay, irritated: you guys, I'm right here


Melfi: ...What?

Zikay: I said I'm right here. You guys are talking about me like I'm not here but I am and I don't like what you're saying about me

Usagi: Zikay I don't think she was referring to you

Zikay: well how could she not be! You guys know how much I hate sandwiches and LOVE being negative

Ren: I didn't know you hated sandwiches

Zikay: why do you think I'm eating soup, Gramps? It's like, a 100 degrees outside!

Ren: guess that makes sense...

Melfi: look, Zikay, I wasn't referring to you, really

Zikay: ...promise?

Melfi: Promise!

Zikay: *sighs* sorry guys I just, you know, I don't wanna be THAT guy who's so prideful and unwilling to back down and probably pops a collar

Grass, irritated: guys, I'm right here!


Zikay: dingus I didn't mean you

Grass: Look, I can't help it that I'm better and more confident at everything than you guys


Grass, stands up and flexes arms: and sure I'm physically built as if Michaelangelo chiseled me from stone, don't put that on me


Al: ok so you're a little cocky, there's nothing wrong with that

Usagi, rolling her eyes: everything's wrong about that

Grass, irritated: ohh so the truth comes out- you know what? Most of the time I'm just acting confident to cover up my insecurities cuz I don't wanna be the guy who's overly sensitive about everything

Roly, passing by: *sad squeak* *italian accent* I am right here!

Cinnamon: Do we know you?

Roly, fiddling with his fake swirl mustache and in an Italian accent: you don't even know me?! I've been coming here for 10 years and have all your birthdays memorized! *gives cake to Salt* happy birthday :)

Salt: we forgot about my birthday...

Al: I know! It's not like we didn't notice you. You're clearly not the kind of person we'd all forget

Bong: I'm right here (inactive momentz)

Pau: OH jeez-


Pau: how long have you been there?

Bong: I gave ALL of you guys a ride here!

Voice: I remember being driven here by a faceless whor-

Bong, irritated: yeah yeah yeah I know. I was voted most forgettable in my high school... Didn't end up in the yearbook BUT at least I'm not one of those people who steals food from other people's plates *looks at Melfi*

Melfi, stealing food from Grass: ... Bong, Pau's RIGHT here

Pau: wHat?!

Ren: guys, we gotta go, the movie's starting in 15 minutes

Skies: yeah, looks like we're gonna have to take main street. The cops just shut down the freeway because they're looking for a homicidal maniac

Usagi, irritated: Ugh, you guys, I'm right here!


Usagi: *stands up and storms off*


Ik at times this book might not be very accurate but I hope u who read this at least enjoyed. Thanks for reading 🥹

Damn look at how far it came *sniff*



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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