Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm

"Time to get started" i whispered and jumped out of bed literally

Ihopped in the shower but i didn't wet my hair jest my body

I shower twice a day sometimes

First jest body and second everything cause its after practice and I'm sweaty and gross

I brushed my teeth and combed my hair

I got into my bike riding clothes and boots

I went downstairs and ate some cereal and then my dad came down already changed

"Ready to go" he asked

"Yeah" i said

I went back up to my room and grabbed my helmet and phone i quickly tied my hair in a bun and left

"So this is the new bike" i asked

"Yup like it" he asked

"Love it" i smiled

We strapped up the bike and we headed off

*skip car ride*

I put on my helmet and waited for my dad to take down the bike.

"Alright we'll be riding mostly in this area" my dad said pointing

He took the bike over there while i put my phone in my bag and grabbed a water bottle and drank some


"Who's the new guy" my friend Stephen asked pointing to a guy

"Uhm i don't know" i said

"How old is he looks short" Luke laughed

He then got on his bike and started riding

"Well he's better than you" i said to Luke and laughed

"Ok yeah he's good but I'm better" he rolled his eyes

The guy then stopped and went up to a guy

His dad i think

"They look like there arguing" Luke pointed out

The guy stormed off back to the his bike and did the same routine over and over

Me and Stephan rode closer and played it off that we were jest riding

Cause we're jest snooping around

"NEXT ONE" the guy yelled and then he did something totally different

What the hell


"Dad i got It perfectly and i already did it like a million times" i complained

"One last time and when you go up in the air land right" he said

"Yeah i got it" i said and did the routine again

"Ok that was perfect now take a break" he said

I took off my helmet and chugged my water

My bun was messed up so i took it down and re did it

"GET BACK OUT HERE" my dad yelled and i put my helmet back on and walked back


"Its a fucking girl" Luke said with his mouth wide opened

"I was not expecting that" i laughed

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