Chapter 1

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"This is huge!" Atsushi was awestruck when they arrived at the school they were going to infiltrate.

"... That's what she said." Akutagawa said quietly.

"HEY! Wha- did you just make... a joke?"

"Dazai-san sometimes say that when he's around Chuuya-san. I thought this was the perfect opportunity to say it."


"Oooof course he does."


"My heart almost jumped out of my chest- what the fuck" Atsushi jumped at the loud voice, almost bumping into the other.

"Weak.", Akutagawa retorted.


"Now what is this?" Atsushi whispered, flipping the page of the test paper. Nobody told him there was going to be CALCULUS! Well, his mission just might end early.

"I hate to agree, but I honestly do not know what this monstrosity is either." The other said.

Suddenly, 2 papers came from under the desk, highlighted by a neon pink.

'Are these, the answers?' The weretiger looked at the other.

Akutagawa nodded, picking the papers up and hiding it with Rashomon only for the two of them to see. "Must be Chuuya-san."

"How does he have the answers though?"

"It's not the time, Jinko. We'll discuss later."

Meanwhile the ones sitting near them were confused as to what they were doing.


"Well Chibi~ Didn't my plan work?"

2 people sat at a desk, 'monitoring' the students. Honestly, who put them up for monitoring? This was literally the most boring job ever.

"Yeah yeah whatever. How did you even get the answer papers?"

They were currently whispering as to not let anyone hear.

"Hmm being an ex-mafioso- oh wait I'm back in the mafia. Well, as a mafioso, one must always know how to sneak and steal~"

"Mhm hm. Oh look- that kid with the black hair from Row 5 Column 9."

"Hmm that's Sono Terra!" He flipped through the students list.

"O- kay. That's 3 people."

"It sure is fun crushing people's dreams though~"


They were currently preparing for the physical exam or whatever. They explained the types of robots (0 pointers, 1 pointers, 2 pointers, etc.).

"Hm... they seem strong." Akutagawa remarked, curious as to how they build these things.

"I wonder... is there any on-off button for them?" He continued.

"Probably not. It can't be that easy, can it?"

"We never know, Jinko."

The ravenette walks away to the vending machine to get a drink. The silver-head follows afterwards.



"I take back my words. Why are these robots squishy?" The weretiger kept slashing and slashing at the upcoming robots, slaying each and every one of them. His claws scratched the robots wires, making them malfunction. He jumped from roof to roof, helping people along the way.

"They're weak." Akutagawa, on the other hand, stayed on the weretiger's back, staying still while Rashomon did the work. The black-red monster attacked each and every robots that came in its way, not caring about the people under the robots.

"Don't go too overboard! We need to make a low profile."

"... I knew that."

"You didn't. Didn't you?"

"... Shut up before I-"

"Okay! Okay! Just- focus on saving others now! We've probably slain over 100 robots each already!" He stopped running and turned back into a human.



"Hey Atsushi-kun! How'd it go?" A man in his 20s ran up to the student.

"Uh it went okay! The physical examination was painfully easy..."

"I agree. I wonder why they cannot make these robots more durable. Why are they even called the top hero school if a lot of people can easily pass this exam?"

"Now now Akutagawa~ Some people are not as gifted as you!" The adult cooed.

Akutagawa's eyes widened. 'Did Dazai-san just... call me gifted?..." The sentence replayed in his head over and over, his expression still. He froze in place and stared onto the rocky pavements of the streets.

"-tagawa? Akutagawa? Jeez what happened to you?" He snapped out of his trance, finding Jin- Atsushi standing right in front, waving his hand in his face. He slapped the hand away, continuing to walk like nothing ever happened. "Hey!" The other called out.

"Will we be staying in our own apartment, Dazai-san?"

"I don't know, Chibi's making those arrangements, saying he doesn't want me finding things to commit suicide with. Ha... he's such a pain in the ass! I gave up on the idea of committing double suicide with a beautiful woman a long time ago after marrying him!" The grown man continued to complain and whine while his students listened (Akutagawa), Atsushi was just staring off at the crowded shops and streets.


"What the fuck."

Needless to say, this house was... way out of their league. (*cough* dazai and atsushi *cough*)

"What? Haven't you stayed in a house like this before?" Akutagawa scoffed.

"Huh? Is this house not to your liking or something? Too bad!" Chuuya said.

Atsushi has never, and I mean never, stayed in a big house like this. He has only stayed in the agency's dorms and the orphanage. He could never have gone anywhere in the orphanage either.


While Dazai... he lived in a shipping container, and then an apartment after he joined the agency. 


Dazai spoke up, "Of course not!~ I'm just sad to see I can't throw myself out the window...".

The house had 3 floors, with the windows locked in each and every one of them. Only Chuuya had the keys to them, to prevent Dazai from doing any of those. (He's too used to it, really)

The ginger sighed, "What did I expect from you?"

"Wow... will I have my own room?" The weretiger beamed.

"Of course kid. You don't have your own room?" 

"I stay in the dorms and share a room with Kyouka so this is new to me..." Atsushi chuckled awkwardly, scratching his head. 

Nobody said nothing afterwards and just went to do their own things.


"ALRIGHT!!! Listen up, you waste of bandages! WHO PUT ME UP FOR TEACHING WITH YOU?! AND WHY AM I THE ASSISTANT?!" A voice echoed through the house startling both Akutagawa and Atsushi. They were just unpacking/looking at their fake IDs when suddenly a thump was heard from the first floor.

"There was just 1 teacher position open! And you're too dumb to teach anything other than PE anyway!"

"HAA?! YOU-"

"And why should a dog be the main teacher, anyways? That's ridiculous!"

Atsushi sighed, 'He's really angering him more. I won't be surprised if anything in the kitchen is dented or broken...'

"Jinko." Someone called from behind.

Atsushi sighed again for the 2nd time. "What do you want?"

"Go do the groceries." Rashomon then shoved a piece of paper into Atsushi's hands.

"I'm not your maid!" But the older didn't listen and went back to his own room without even saying anything.

"This is going to be the death of me..." Atsushi sulked.

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