Chapter 1

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3 months, that how long it has been since Caitlin has seen her friend Barry Allen. It hurt, they spent 3 whole months together, comforting each other, going out on the town, and going on dates.

Then, one day he withdrew from her and just stopped talking to her altogether. She would go to his work and try to talk to her but he would always make an excuse and leave. She didn't understand why. Was it her? Did he just not like her anymore?

She had gotten a job at Mercury Labs, with Barry going lone wolf. It kept her busy and she liked it to a point. On one hand, she no longer had to deal with Meta-humans and her boss being a time-traveling lunatic. On the other hand, she was lonely.

Sure, she had Cisco, but it wasn't the same without Barry. He could make her smile just by being in the same room. He was always kind and loving. and whenever she needed a shoulder to cry on he was there for her.

she liked him more than ever now. He was the most selfless person she had ever met. It also didn't hurt that he was easy on the eyes. 

She didn't know when these feelings for him began. But, it happened a couple of months after Ronnie sacrificed himself to close the singularity and save the city. She remembered bumping into Barry outside of Jitters.


She was walking out of Jitters and she bumped into someone.

"Oh my gosh," she gasped, "I'm so sorry,"

"No, harm done,"

She recognized that voice and getting a better look at the person she realized it was Barry.


"Caitlin," He smiled, "How are you?"

"I'm doing alright," Caitlin answered, she felt butterflies explode in her stomach. He had definitely gotten more handsome since she last saw him, "I got a job at Mercury Labs,"

"That is amazing," Barry congratulated, "I'm so happy for you,"

"Thanks," Caitlin said, "Listen, I have to go but, do you want to hang out sometime?"

Barry smiled, "I'd love to,"


And so it began for just 3 months Barry and Caitlin would get together and do whatever came to mind, going out to lunch, talking, and just watching TV. Her heart began to heal having Barry around her and she couldn't help but fall for him. Then one day he stopped coming around.

Which is why today she was determined to talk to him and pick up where they left off. today the City was giving The Flash, the key to the city. Today was the day she snapped him out of whatever was bothering him. He wasn't getting away from her that easily.

Just then Mayor Bellows started speaking. Thanking the Flash. Her heart skipped a beat when a red streak raced up the stage. Barry was here.

"The city is forever open to you, Flash," Bellows said, handing Flash the key.

Then a car went flying towards him and Caitlin's heart stopped. But she needn't worry as Barry grabbed the mayor and rushed him to safety.

A huge hulking man was standing from where the car came flying from. She breathed easily after that. During the chaos, she left the area trusting in Barry that he could handle it.


Cisco and the others contacted her and told her to meet them at Star Labs. Of course, she would be there. it would be here chance to talk to Barry and find out why he stopped coming around.

"What are you guys doing here?" Barry asked looking around at them all.

"Caitlin was right," Cisco said, looking at the monitor, "People do emit small amounts of radiation,"

"Of course, I'm right Cisco," Caitlin said, "I do have a degree in Bioengineering,"

"So, he was using all the people around him as a power source to fuel himself, "Stein put in, "So, look for large amounts of radiation and you will find your Atom Smasher,"

Everyone looked at him.

"What? he absorbs atoms and he smashes stuff," Stein reasoned. 

"Come here," Cisco said, pulling Stein into a hug, "Welcome to the team, because that is an awesome name,"

"Guys," Barry began, "I can handle this,"

"Not anymore son," Joe said, "You almost got killed out there today,"

"I had it," Barry said.

"It didn't look like it," 

"I don't want any of you to get hurt," Barry let out.

"Barry, we're not leaving you again," Caitlin said.

When Barry looked at her she could see the storm of emotions in his eyes. Sadness, anger, and regret.  He opened his mouth to speak but Cisco piped up.

"Nuclear Power Plant is experiencing a power drain,"

Barry didn't waste any time in speeding to his suit and out the door.


Barry had locked Atom Smasher up, and Caitlin smiled. It felt good to be back here working with all of her friends to keep Central City safe.

"That's what I'm talking about baby," Cisco whooped, "We Back,"

Everyone chuckled, at Cisco's celebratory exclamation. 

"I should have never pushed any of you away," Barry admitted, "I never knew how much I need you guys until now," 

"Barry, could I talk to you for a second?" Caitlin asked.

"Yeah of course," Barry said.

She led him into the med bay, which was away from the others, and would let her talk to him in private. 

"Why did you stop coming around me?" Caitlin asked timidly.

"Caitlin, I got Ronnie killed. Spending all that time around you made me realize what I had taken away from you,"

Caitlin shook her head, "You didn't take him away from me, Barry, he made the decision on his own,"

"I caused the singularity, Caitlin," Barry raged, "If I hadn't listened to Wells, Ronnie would be here still,"

"Be that as it may Barry, you were offered a choice to get your family back," Caitlin said, to him gently, "You're not the only person in this room who would have jumped at the chance," 

"What-" But Barry was cut off as a man walked into the Cortex.

"My name is Jay Garrick, and your world is in danger," 

Author's note, Hello and welcome to the rewrite of my story The Light in Her Eyes. this will loosely follow the canon of Season Two. I have high hopes that this will go better than the other story. Slow updates for now. As I am still working on my FlashFrost story, Sorry if you didn't like the chapter. Also, I hate the cover.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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