The new kid on the street

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Few months later

On a rooftop with a 3 people.

Al: "Wait start over."

A overweight man took a long drag from a cigarette as a scrawny pale man is viewing on his tablet.

Sam: "Ok let me repeat, some lunatic who has a strength like a bear killed multiple people each one of them having bible verses cut on their skins."

Twitch: "Specifically exodus 20:13 and 14 sir."

Sam: "Yeah that."

Twitch shows his tablet to Al as the corpses has scars saying "Thou shalt not kill" or "Thou shalt not commit adultry." Mostly the corpses are male the rest are headless.

Al: "He's targeting killers and rapists."

Sam: "Wait hold up! How-"

Al: "You learn something when you're forced in a catholic school. Adultery is related to sins of lust such as cheating on your spouse. But my guess is that he's not killing cheaters."

Twitch: "And if he's religious then he clearly haven't read it correctly."

Al shook his head disagreeing with twitch's statement.

Al: "No, Batman has someone who he fights named azreal not an ally but not an enemy of him."

Twitch: "So neutral?"

Al: "Yeah sort of..."

Suddenly Al shook his head as he let out a sigh.

Al: "Wait you didn't call me here just for a murderer who's a Christian?"

Sam shook his head: "Since your be dragging this conversation I'll keep it in a short note. The killer matches your DNA as well for the sulfur leaking on the killer's bodies and the only fucking reason why it's not you is because your in Gotham when the killing happened. So it's rather a clone or a son you didn't tell us about."

Al was shocked for a short moment then went back to his neutrals

Twitch: "If you don't mind Al why did you go to Gotham?"

Al was silent as he sees a table filled with people in costumes as the table has two letters: JL

Al: "Business trip."

Sam: "Well let's hope you kept your dick in your pants. Or whatever you're wearing."

Al lets out a grunt as he goes to the ledge.

Al: "I'll stick around in the city for a while, call me if you have more news."

He says as he drops down then disappears as Sam and twitch returns to the building.

In a alleyway

Using garbage bags as a mattress William flips through some pages of a... comic book?!

William: Whats a bub?

He thinks as he looks at the yellow and blue hero in the comic book but some words were covered by a gunk of garbage. So William tossed away the comic as he snuggles down on the bags.

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