The Beginning

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As they woke up the next day, there was a strange mix of emotions. Neither of them could understand what prevailed more, the heaviness of the ugly truth or the serenity of their new bond. They had discovered the most brutal truth the day before and they had discovered the most beautiful feeling they ever had. The feeling of owning the other completely. Though neither of them had made any love declaration but in a relationship like theirs, it was hardly needed. Madhu had understood it long back that RK may or may not love anyone but he definitely wanted her to be that companion of his life whom he wanted to share the better half of himself. While it was Madhu who had been taking time deciphering herself but RK knew what was that prevailed in her head. He knew her too much for that. And if anything that was at all needed to be answered was done by her words last night. "I am all yours" echoed in the background of his mind in between the waves of other emotions and thoughts. He was still trying to judge what he needed to do about Padmini though. He needed to think about that withva clear mind.

"What would you do about mumma?" Madhu asked at the breakfast table tensing up.

RK looked at her in a saddened silence. If he had thought himself too meek to be thinking while of Padmini, he was proved wrong. Because even when he knew Madhu hated her just as much as he did but her voice had a genuine concern which she had unsuccessfully tried to mask through her straightforward selection of words.

Madhu looked away in a hurt. She knew her mother deserved punishment and the one who had the right to decide over the issue was RK. RK breathed in deeply. "I so wish we could just have run away from Hong kong instead of coming back here.." he joked mirthlessly.

Madhu smiled faintly at him.

"Did you talk to... am..?" He struggled to find a good word. Calling him Malik, suddenly didn't feel right after 7 years and addressing him in his usual greet felt too awkward.

"Yes I talked to Papa.." Madhu said coming to his rescue.

"How is he? Did you ask him to come over?" He asked restlessly.

"How can he be, Rishu..? He is too pained and jilted.." she said looking at her plate. "He said mumma cried all night after we left. And even when she slept for a few minutes in between she woke up screaming and crying.." she said in a straight tone trying to act as unaffected as was possible.

Thinking about her crying filled RK with anger. The woman associated in his parent's killing and now she is wailing, trying to put them all in an even more emotionally stressed position. He still couldn't believe that how she was able to not tell Malik about Bhatia's plan. She might say she was panicked but still there must have been some willingness on her part too. Otherwise, she would have tried to save them. Not let their families fall into disrupt.

"I dont want to talk about her Madhu.." he said laying his head back on his chair.

Madhu nodded her head as she looked down on her plate playing with the spoon.

"And for God's sake woman, eat something.. you haven't ate properly since yesterday and last night you over exhausted yourself too.." he said irritated by her picking at food. But then mentioning of the over exhaustion of last night made them again realize the woeful beauty of the night they shared. Madhu's cheek grew a shade of crimson while RK too had a smile creeping on his lips seeing her turn pink at the mention.

At the Malik mansion, Padmini had now fallen asleep after the whole night of crying and screaming. Malik, getting time for himself for sometime went to his poolside and sat on a chair trying to cool his mind.
"I love you Padmini.." he heard a 21 year old himself, saying to Padmini in the garden of her house.

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