Blood from nowhere

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My name is Cameron Smith, I'm a narrator and detective. The breaking news spread around the world this morning! Detectives have found, after intense investigations, another very important clue that might help them solve this mystery once for all. For those few people who forgot what happened on October 1997, do not worry because this here is my job, so it's my pleasure to explain it to you.

Exactly 26 years ago, on a dark rainy Halloween night, following the tradition, the children were supposed to trick or treat, and usually older ones party and "scare"each other with their costumes. Although, meanwhile not everyone did that. There was a teenage girl who committed suicide. It spread crazy on the news just a few hours after the girl's death. The girl was fourteen years old and lived alone with her mom in a small hut next to the lake with this incredible neighborhood. All the other houses were huge and so rich, while, as i said their.. wasn't really anything special.

What made people curious so far today is the way she actually died. It was never discovered. The history says, there are rumours that she was skinned to death. Some people believe her sick mother forgot to take the amount of pills, so just totally snapped out and shot her own daughter on the scene. They say she could have done it with a weapon that her grandfather kept for a long time in the basement, apparently just for safety. While other people believe she took her eyeballs out with her own bare hands, burned her arm, and then chocked herself til death. And those people say she did it in front of her mother. It's hard what and who to believe. Due to the fact that it is not known the truth how she did it, it never got revealed why exactly she did it at all. Investigators said there was a pool of blood when they found the girl.

A week before, the girl's mom received an unknown letter. It was bunch of drawings of her daughter holding a knife. She immediately snapped and thought "This is an inappropriate way to welcome someone." After all she got scared because they had just moved into this small hut and nobody around knew them at the moment. It creeped her out, so she decided to make her way to police station.

"But officer no, it couldn't be anyone joking around, we just moved to this neighborhood!"

She shouted as the inspector didn't take the situation serious enough. Even though they told her not the hesitate to come back if anything more disturbing happens, they finally agreed to discover the persons DNA. Now, that usually takes around 24h. But because this wasn't their biggest mission, it took longer than expected.

The mother thought of what it could mean and started shaking because she was mental ill and getting this scared and stressed got her health even worse. After that day, for some reasons she had constant headache, derealization, and feeling of something bad happening. This lasted for hours.. weird right? If it was only headache it wouldn't last for more than an hour. None of her medicines helped either so, she couldn't handle this by her own and went to psychiatrist.

They've discussed and came to a conclusion, this could possibly be caused by stress, and fright. Although, deep inside, the story quite says she could predict when something bad would happen. It was embarrassing to prove her psychiatrist wrong so she went to therapist instead.

In their conversation she mentioned her feelings and expressed how she predicted the tragedy. The therapist listened to her carefully, the end came to the point where the reason was the same as psychiatrist told her earlier. According to all the doctors she felt this way because a lot stress. That's very common especially because she has already been struggling with hallucination. It would be desirable for her to take a little break from work and for example, wait for the notification from the cops and spend more time home. Maybe this could be right time to talk out difficult things with her daughter? Ask for her opinions?

Because practically all this was about the daughter, his guilty feeling she had and stuff... she gladly accepted the offer and then got 3 days off. On her way back home she decided to pick her daughter from school, (due to private reasons, and this horrible tragedy, i am forbidden to say the girls real name, so let's just call her Amina.) When the mother arrived, Amina rushed into the car with a smile on her face.

"Can tell your day was good! Right sweetie?"

Amina replied with: "Yes."Everything seemed normal until the mother noticed the blood Amina was covering on her hands. She questioned: "What's that?!" Amina kept smiling in silence, this smile seemed extremely fake now. "Are you sure everything was alright hon, you can talk to me. Then Amina said:"Yes mom, don't worry I'm alright the cat stretched my hand and that's all."

Not thinking much about it, the mother was just about to tell her how they will spend more time together now! But hold on...whose cat? They have just moved in here, and in that place, not a single animal was on the streets, and they don't have one.
Hm, anyways then as they arrived home, the second they stepped out the car, mom got this weird feeling again. It's odd but like each time she would see Amina this would happen. In her confused daze she wanted to ask how is Amina doing in her new school, maybe she had made any friends. In the middle of her sentence she heard a loud noise from the bathroom. The mother knocked on the door, but before she could come in there was a pill on the step door.

"Amina!?? What are you doing in there? Did you take my pills? Don't even joke, there not for meant you, y-you know that."

"Mom no get away please"

"Not until you unlock that door and tell me what were you doing with my pills!"

"I accidentally tripped over the counter so your pills fell on the floor and it was wet
so it melted and now i went to the bathroom to somehow dry them either with the towel or hairdryer, because i was scared you'd get mad!"

"What?? That's so silly-"

Then it hit her. The guilty feeling again. In that silent second she heard a man's voice. Where's that coming from, you probably wonder, well so did the mother.

"A-Amina.. who are you on the phone with?"

"No one mom, no one."

"I'm sure i heard something, unlock immediately!"

The girl had no choice but to unlock. She hid her phone in her back pocket.

"Okay now what's the problem? Why do you never believe me?"

"Give me my pills back."

Amina gives them back as she feigned to be in danger.

"What were you on there not even a bit wet"

"Then it worked! Haha"

Next part! >>

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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