Chapter 7

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Jimin's POV : 

i finished my first day as a student with my amazing teacher Taehyung hyung , my heart can't stop skipping  , they treating me the way i never dreamt too , i feel like i'm in heaven , Tae hyung is praising me every time i answer his question or understand his explanations for something, i misunderstood him , he is very kind , and his hug is very warm , the broken pieces inside me keeps collecting every time they touch me or hug me or say a kind word to me , i can't be more thankful for them , they are like a miracle happen to me , sent from heaven to save me from this cruel word , my mind can't stop thinking how i can pay them back , they are offering me a lot , i need to do something for them , but i don't have anything to do for them .

Tae hyung said i need to work hard to join a normal school , if i do this fast , is it going to make them happy , that i worth what they are offering me , yes i need to do this 


J-hope's POV : 

it's been a month since we started to teach Jimin and he is really surprising us , he is eager to learn not skipping a single home work and he is very smart , but i'm noticing something , he is too pale lately and his focus  not as he used to be , i don't know what's wrong with him , but i'm sure something is wrong , yoongi hyung is making sure about his meals so he is not skipping his meals and Tae will not allow it , so i think there is something else effecting him

we are having now a class and he is way too out off focus 

J-hope : " Jimin , what's wrong you are not well , are you sick ?? " 

Jimin : " no hyung i'm fine you can keep going " he has a black circles under his eyes 

J-hope : " no i will not , come here " i pulled him to stand in front off me 

J-hope : " spill the tea , what's going on with you , you look too exhausted  and you can't focus in what i say , what's wrong " he is about to cry and started to shiver

Jimin : " i'm sorry hyung please i will focus don't be mad i'm sorry " he is crying now 

J-hope :" hey i'm not mad just tell me what is going on with you , i can say you are not okay , we will not complete our day like this let's stop here " his eye's widened 

Jimin : " NO NO please i can't, let's complete i need to finish it as soon as possible "

J-hope : " hey little one why are you soo on rush for it , we have all the time to reach our goal , why are you pushing it , we can complete it tomorrow "

Jimin : " no i can't disappoint you, you are doing too much for me , i can't rest while you are doing all of this for me for free , i need to do it fast to make you proud of me "

J-hope : "one second WHAT ?? are you kidding me ?? stand up JIMIN " i'm losing my control now  and he startled by my sudden change of tune 

J-hope : " tell me exactly what was your daily routine through the last month " he fidget in the hem of his shirt without looking on my eyes

Jimin : " wh.. when i finish the di.. dinner with you i sp.. spend the ni.. night in my room studying till 5 AM and i sleep till 7 AM then i wake up at.. attending my classes with you , ha.. having my meals , studying during all my br.. breaks during the day , i need to reach my normal Grade fast hyung , i have nothing else to p.. pay you back with " i can't believe he is doing this to himself , he is almost not sleeping  and working himself out , i guess without Yoongi hyung and Tae he wouldn't eat his meals , i don't get angry easily but this kid is making my blood boiling now .

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