save her

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If you haven't prayed your salah please pray this book can wait but your salah can't

Happy reading

Third person p.o.v

" You did what? " Farhan asked Aamal uncle who sat on the couch holding his forehead in shame while Ibrahim looked down feeling ashamed too . They just exchange Aamal on the price of their own life and now they have to live with this burden their whole life .

" I was helpless " Aamal uncle sobbed like a child , Aamal aunt got teary eyes watching her husband who always lived with pride now broken .

" Helpless ?... Do you really think this word is going to justify your actions ? " Farhan fumes in anger " what if she is your own blood , your own daughter would you still trade your son's life over her ?" He fired questions .

'' I am sorry uncle , In my eyes you are not a man . Allah the almighty made man to be the protector of women not trading them in danger in exchange of their own life . Real men kill themselves to protect their daughter and family members no matter how hard the situation arrives but you…you just threw Aamal in the fire , where she is going to burn everyday ?" Farhan word stabs his chest like a sharp knife . Everyone remained silent knowing they did injustice to Aamal .

" I will free Aamal from the clutches of that goon " he started to walk toward the door but stopped and turned around " Not because I love her but she is a woman and it's my duty to protect her " with that he walked out of the house furious .

Aamal p.o.v

I closed my eyes waiting for him to tarnish my soul but instead nothing happened .

Opening them I saw his deep dark eyes staring at me with an unknown emotion .

" I am your husband and I have every right to you , So prepare your mind that one day you will be mine . Please submit yourself I don't want to force you " with those absurd statements he left the closing the door shut while I fell on the floor crying at my fate .

" He still has no remorse for what he has done " I gritted out crying .

" Ya Rab please send someone to save me please please " I cried lying on the floor.

Third person p.o.v


Farhan sits nervously at a small corner table, anxiously glancing around the bustling coffee shop. He wipes his sweaty palms on his trousers, his eyes darting back and forth, finally spotting his best friend, Bashir, a tough yet dependable police officer, as he walks through the door. Bashir's authoritative presence turns heads, making people instinctively give way to him.

Farhan raised his hand for Bashir to be noticed .

Bashir spots Farhan and makes his way through the coffee shop towards him, weaving through the crowd effortlessly. He sits down opposite Farhan, his stern expression reflecting the seriousness of the conversation about to unfold.

" Farhan, what's going on? Why did you want to meet here instead of our usual spot?" 

Farhan fidgets with his coffee cup, avoiding his intense gaze. He takes a deep breath, struggling to find the right words.

" Bashir  something terrible has happened. ... She's in danger." 

Bashir's eyes narrow, his face becomes stern and grave.

"What? Aamal? Why is she in danger? Is she alright?" He asks in disbelief .

Farhan leans in closer, his voice barely a whisper, punctuated nervously by glances towards other tables.

"  I found out that Aamal unknowingly got involved with Haider, a dangerous mafia lord. He forcefully married her without her permission " he held his voice low as he cannot trust anyone right now.

Bashir's eyes widened, a mix of concern and alarm. He leans back slightly, his hand instinctively resting on the handle of his holstered weapon.

" Farhan, you have to understand the gravity of this situation. Haider is no ordinary criminal; he's feared in every corner of the city. If we try to intervene, we risk not only our lives but also those who are near and dear to us." 

Farhan looks up, desperation filling his eyes.

"  I know the risks, but I can't just stand by and watch Animal's life fall apart. She means everything to me, and I can't live with the regret of not doing everything I can to protect her." Farhan pleaded .

Bashir's expression softens for a moment, understanding Farhan's unwavering loyalty. He takes a deep breath, contemplating his next words.

" If I agree to help you, Farhan, you need to promise me you'll trust my judgement and do exactly as I say. We won't take any unnecessary risks. Our top priority is to keep Aamal safe and bring down Haider." He asked firmly .

Farhan nods eagerly, gratitude shining in his eyes.

" Thank you. Your friendship and support mean the world to me right now" 

" We'll get through this together. But remember, Farhan, a battle with someone like Haider has consequences. So brace yourself for what lies ahead " 

Farhan and Arjun exchange a knowing glance, their shared resolve sealing their alliance against the impending storm.    


Who's team are you on Farhan or Haider ?

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