Chapter 4

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The sharp rays of sunlight shone brightly as they entered the room through the open curtains that hung off the huge beautiful window of bedroom; directly entering her eyes; trying to invade her sleep. She wrinkled her face a little bit as she woke up from her deep slumber.

She slowly opened her eyes, but squinted them immediately as harsh light rays fell on them. She groaned in annoyance. She needed more sleep. Suddenly, she noticed the uncomfortable lehenga she was wearing. 'Did I sleep whole night in this lehenga?' She thought to herself. She casted a look on her surroundings. The room seemed so familiar, yet so unheard of to her. She tried to rummage through various thoughts in her brain, selecting a few, and trying to link them together. She remembered the previous day only as a few pieces of memories that were true, but existed as islands in a murky sea.

A lot of things had happened yesterday. A lot of events had taken place. They were so much to think of. Just the thought of them exhausted her to death.

It was her wedding. Her parents had arranged it for her. Though she was not happy with this alliance, it was still one of the special day in her life. And then some men had striked in on the wedding, kidnapped her from the Pavillion ( Mandap ) and yet, no one dared to come forward and save her.....

She was so tired, sad and stressed by the fact that she was held captive by someone, that she didn't even try to enjoy the chirping of birds. She simply ignored the enjoyable windy atmosphere. She loved nature. She loved being close to nature. But today, she couldn't even bring herself to do so. She was just alive physically. It seemed as if she had started dieing mentally.

Feeling the weight of the uncomfortable situation, she took a deep breath, trying to collect her thoughts and find a way out of the fog that clouded her mind. The room, adorned with opulent decorations, felt both familiar and strange, mirroring the conflict within her. As she struggled to make sense of the fragmented memories, a faint sound reached her ears - footsteps approaching.

With a mix of anxiety and curiosity, she turned her attention to the door, hoping for answers or a glimpse of familiarity. The heavy wooden door creaked open, revealing an elderly woman. She had a kind, warm smile on her face. The stranger entered, carrying a tray with a simple breakfast - a gesture that, in contrast to the lavish surroundings, struck a chord of normalcy.

"Good morning, madam," the old woman greeted softly, placing the tray beside her. "I hope you find some comfort in a warm meal."

Perplexed and searching for clues, she hesitated before speaking, "Where am I? What happened?"

The woman sighed, a mixture of sympathy and caution in her eyes. "You are in a place chosen for you, and yesterday brought unexpected challenges. Rest assured, you are safe now."

The revelation stirred more questions within her, yet she felt a glimmer of relief at the assurance of safety. As she contemplated the events that led her to this mysterious place, a determination sparked in her eyes. She resolved to uncover the truth and reclaim control over her own narrative.

The woman turned around to leave. Before she left, she told her, "If you need anything, just call me, ma'am. I will make sure to make you feel homely."

"Wait!!" She yelled, panicked, thinking that the woman might leave. The woman turned towards her, with a questioning look. " I'm sorry, I did not mean to yell at you..." She said, her tone much softer this time. " You don't have to call me ma'am. I am pretty sure that I am the same age as your daughter. Just think of me as one, and call me by my name, Shloka. "

The woman smiled at her. "You really are a sweetheart, dear. Not like the other girls I've met before. I think now I know why he fell for you. Now, that's enough talking. Have your breakfast before it gets cold, and change into some comfortable ones. I am feeling suffocated just by looking at it." And with that, she was left alone, in the room, all by herself to think however she wanted to.....

Hey lovelies!!!! How are y'all doing? I am really sorry for being late..... but I am really busy with my schedule right now. I have been trying to complete the story but don't have the time to do so..... still I hope you all will still support me as I'm a new writer.

Also, please vote, comment your thoughts about the story, and follow me to get more updates!!!❤❤❤❤


(Ain't AbRam just soooo cute🥺🥺🥺🥺??? He's stealing the attention!!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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