first meeting

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Kav - ( to herself plzzzz god late na hojay )

An auto stopped in front of the large gate of hotel...a girl wearing black fullsleev kurta and a blue denim ..she was carrying a folder in one hand while with other hand she got pulled out few folded notes and handed it over to auto driver paying off his fare..she looked at the building where on top in metallic initials the name of hotel was written.."The AR industry

There was a passion in her eyes..she had come to Delhi 3 years back from Shimla for continuing her study and to be rich enough to meet her her way she got distracted but now she is focused again n she know wat she has to do..and its her first step today towards fulfiling her dreams..getting job in the best chain of hotels not only in India but all over the world.."The AR industry

She moved towards the gate but rite then a speeding BMW crossed near her making her stumble on steps..she quickly stabled herself saving herself from falling..she kept her hand on her racing heart to calm down..she looked as guard rushed and opened the gate for the car to enter in..

Kav - ye bigde huye raheesjade andhe hi hote hai isi liye hamesha aakho pe chashma laga hi rehta hai .(god knows wat they think of themselves.) she cursed them under her breath..she sighed n went near the gate butas guard stopped her to fill her entry in their register..she quickly filled all the details and hurried inside as she was getting late..

She went to reception to see a young girl wearing black uniform standing there..

"excuse me"

Receptionist: yes mam..

can u plz tell me where are the job interviews of personal assistant for Mr Ashiraj Pradhan

Receptionist: ur name mam?

Kav -  kavya sharma

Receptionist quickly checked for her name and on finding it there..she guided her towards adhiraj's  cabin..

As kavya reached there she saw 4 more girls were already sitting there and waiting for their turn..and all of them were very different from her..they all were wearing extremely short dresses and were carrying a lot of makeup..(kavya  silently prayed to god that Ashiraj is a person who values knowledge and talents not looks and mekeup )

Just then peon came and called the first girl..

She was patiently sitting and waiting for her by one all for girls was her turn..

Peon: kavya sharma

Kav -: ji..mein..

Peon: chaliye..apki baari h..he left..

Kav - closed her eyes and sighed..she reminded herself how badly she needs the job for surviving in Delhi..she needs to prove herself..

Kav - he krishna ji plzzz job pakki krva dena

She came out of waiting room and marched towards Adhiraj's cabin..there was a huge glass wall surrounding his she moved towards his cabin she gave a glance to herself..she quicky adjusted her hair strands which were falling on her face..

She gave a soft knock on door..and entered inside..

Adi was sitting on his leather chair..showing his back to her..

Adi : take a seat..Miss..he paused..

Kav : kavya ..kavya Sharma...she introduced herself as she took a seat..

(Kavya looked around his office as he was checking her profile still showing her back..)

His office was quite modern and stylish but it was et simple...nothing was overdone..but what she didn't liked that it gave her very gloomy dark and mysterious was like robot works here and not a person..she frowned seeing the windows room for freshness to come in..and when u can enjoy the daylight why to work under this artificial milky light.. ( pata nahi ajib sa test hai iska ) kavya toh herself.

While she was busy checking out his office she didn't noticed that he had turned to face her and was now observing her..he cleared his throat to grab her attention..but she ignored that too..

Adi - so Miss kavya .he called her with a stern voice..

Kavya quickly looked in his direction..she looked straight in her brown eyes which held the same gloominess and mysteries..but along with one more thing..pain...but why..she wondered..there was a certain kind of emptiness in his eyes.. 

Adi : so Miss kavya ..why I should give u the job..? he asked in his arrogant voice..

Kav : because u have no reason to not give me..i fulfil all the conditions required for the job..

Adi  looked at her...he liked her attitude ad confidence but obviously he was not going to say it.. ( control adi cantrol 😉)

Adi : u can collect your appointment letter and contract papers from reception..he closed the file and kept it on table..

Kavya looked him astonished..

Kav : but Adi 's questioning gaze..she replied..thank u sir..thank u so much..she stood up from her seat and forwarded her hand with a beautiful smile on her face..

He looked at her and then at her extended hand..

Adi : miss sharma I don't like late comers and those who break go through all the rules once..u can join from tomorrow..he said with a stern face as he opened his laptop and started working on it ignoring her extended hand..

Kavya embarrassingly withdrew her hand and collecting her papers left from there..

Kav - sadu...wat he thinks of himself  !!! Boss hai toh kuchh bi bolga 😏.  Thank you krishna ji ab toh aapka Prasad pakka .

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