Jo tu Mera hamdard hai 💔

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It has been 2 days and there was no change in kavya 's behaviour infact she had become more lost and more distraught..the chirpy bubbly girl he had seen from first day was lost somewhere..she was working like a robot..frowns had find permanent place on her she wont ask her stupid questions from him..and wont give her silly advices..she was way too silent..he knew she was in some problem and he wanted her to share with him so that he can help...don't know why but he was not at all liking her this pained him to see her this dejected..

Kavya was sitting in front of him explaining some report..but Adi's mind was not registering any of her word..he was busy trying to read her..darrk circles below her eyes proved that she is not sleeping well from last few days and her pale skin was adding more to her misery..

Adi : Miss shrma .he stopped her in between..

Kav : yes sir..she replied in her weak was so weak he could barely listen..

Adi : kya hua hai ? U can share it with me...

Kav 's eyes welled up as she could see and feel his care for her but she quickly composed herself.

Kav : everything's fine sir..she gave a small smile..

Adi : doesn't seems so..listen Miss shrma ..u don't need to stress..if u are not feeling and want a day off..spend some time with family..then u can have it..i have no problem..and if there is any other problem feel free to share..i will try my best to help..

Kavya  nodded keeping her head down..

Adi : Miss shrma ..u should spend some time with ur family and will be a great stress buster for u..u are working so hard from last few weeks..u need some quality time I guess..

Kav : no sir...m perfectly fine..

Adu : I can see it Miss shrma ..he said in a curt voice..he closed his eyes to calm himself...u urself told me Miss shrma  that our family deserves our now why r u shying away? Go get urself pampered with mothers food and dad's love..and u girls are anyway princess of ur fathers..i remember how my sister has always my dad on her side in our each fight..m sure u would also have a sibling with whom u would have this love hate relationship..he smiled a bit remembering his childhood fights..he looked at kavya go and spoil urself for a day..and come back with bang..m elder to u Miss shrma ..and I know college and office has different pressure levels..u r finding it all difficult to cope..but things will get better..

Kavya was listening to his all words keeping her eyes down..

Kav : please excuse me sir..she said in her teary voice and ran outside without meeting her eyes with his for once..

Adi  got tensed more...something is definitely very wrong...maybe some family issues..

He tried talking with her whle day but couldn't..he was scared for her now..she was making things worst for her day by day..

Adi  was sitting in his room..kavya 's dull face roaming in front of his eyes..he was getting restless due to some reason..he stood up carried his car

keys and dialed Mr Shukla 's number to ask for kavya 's address from him..Mr Shukla  checked records of employees in his laptop and gave kavya 's address to soon as he got to know kavya's address he rushed there..he was not getting good feeling about it..something was definitely wrong..

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