4. The Criminal Reunion

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   He took three steps back, eyes still wide at the words he had just heard. "You forget a thousand things every day, you make sure this is one of 'em."

Michael Townley.

Michael Townley!

Michael Townley!?

   His mind spun in disbelief, his thoughts swirling like a storm raging within his skull. Michael's dead. It couldn't be true. He vividly recalled the anguish of losing his friend, the gut-wrenching grief that had consumed him.
   But now, faced with this shocking revelation, doubts clawed at the edges of his sanity. How could Michael be alive when he had mourned his death? The cramped confines of Trevor's trailer provided little solace from the chaos of his thoughts. 

   Cockroaches scuttled across the grimy floor, their tiny legs clicking against the worn flooring. The air was heavy with the acrid stench of alcohol and drugs, a potent cocktail that hung like a suffocating fog.
   A woman, her short red hair tousled and wild, leaned against the battered counter. Her leather jacket bore the insignia of 'THE LOST', a badge of honor among the outcasts and misfits. Her eyes, half-lidded and glazed with the haze of intoxication, regarded Trevor with a lazy curiosity.

   "You wanna get lit now, sugar?" Her words slurred slightly, the remnants of a recent high still lingering in her voice. His jaw was slightly clenched as he struggled to make sense of the chaos cracking before him. 

   Michael, alive? It seemed impossible, yet a flicker of something, anger perhaps, sparked within his chest. But for now, he pushed aside the turmoil of emotions threatening to consume him. He reached for the nearest bottle and took a sip from it as he stumbled back slightly.

   The shock enclosed him like a suffocating embrace, rendering him speechless as waves of disbelief crashed against the shores of his mind. It was as if a tempest of emotions had been unleashed within him, each one competing for power over his fractured mentality.
   Rage, anger, confusion — all mingled together in a wild symphony of chaos. He stood frozen in place, his gaze fixed on the woman before him, her words barely registering through the haze of his turmoil. Was everything he had believed a lie? 

   The foundation of his reality crumbled beneath his feet, leaving him adrift in a sea of uncertainty. Slowly, tentatively, Trevor began to retreat, each step a heavy burden as he turned away from the woman and the stifling confines of his trailer.
   The air outside offered no reprieve, thick with tension and the promise of impending violence. "Tr-Trevor, baby, you wanna, you wanna smoke up now?" Her voice trailed after him like a distant echo, but Trevor paid it no mind as he pushed through the door and out into the harsh light of day.

   Outside, the scene unfolded with frantic urgency. Two men, Wade and Ron, sprinted after another figure—a man who seemed intent on reaching Trevor. Anger seized Trevor's chest as he recognized the newcomer: Johnny.
   "Don't do it, Johnny! Don't do it!" Wade and Ron's voices carried on the wind, a desperate plea to avert disaster. "Trevor!" Johnny's voice pierced the air like a dagger as he ascended the steps of the trailer, determination etched on his features. 

   But Trevor remained resolute, his footsteps steady as he strode past Johnny without so much as a glance in his direction. Tension crackled in the air like static electricity as Trevor made his way toward the fence encircling his trailer home.
   The accusatory tone in Johnny's voice cut through the stillness, his anger palpable as he confronted Trevor. "You been with my girl again?!" Johnny's voice was sharp, laced with fury as he advanced on Trevor.

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