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(P.S: Play the song while you're reading)

I can feel my heart pounding beat by beat.
Eyes like a gushing waterfall.
disturbing hands covering my eyes.
Head is shaking.
Mind exploding ......
I feel weak...afraid...no faith and depressed.
I met Edward a year ago,do you know how it feels when you thought he was the one? That he's going to be your back when you're falling down and your shoulder to cry on. Those moments when you're imagining the scenes that you want to achieve together.It hurts right ? I'm so tired of love.Love makes you uncontrollable it makes you feel crazy and it's where you sacrifice everything and anything to make him/her satisfied.Love is free yet binds us with pain and catastrophe.Love is more easily experienced than defined.The only word that define Love is "PAIN".

We may build our own path but in the end we will go back to normal,right?So what's the use?!What's the use of every emotions that you feel when you're turning back again?But for me,one thing that's important is to never regret anything that made you happy once.Well as Augustus Waters said, "That's the thing about pain,it demands to be felt".

In the end,we will find our true lov....oh yeahh..I remember there is no true love, but I assure you,there is unconditional love.Maybe love is really like that you know... It's playing with your thoughts_emotions_and feelings.It makes you feel lost in your own journey and make a new one.

In conclusion:
Love is like expecting new things,it makes you feel exciting but in the end it's 50/50.It's like fighting for your own life to be with your love again.

If you feel pain or sadness,don't worry you're not alone.There are 7 billion people , 196 countries in this world,86 400 seconds in one day, 12 months,4 seasons,525 948.766 minutes in a year.Everybody feels the emotion that you feel.Always remember that " DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME GETTING HURT BY SOMEONE WHEN THERE IS SOMEONE ELSE OUT THERE WAITING TO MAKE YOU HAPPY".


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2015 ⏰

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