Broken Heart

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1. In the silence of the night, echoes of our past,
A melody of sorrow, a love that couldn't last.
A shattered symphony, a tale torn apart,
Singing the ballad of a soul with a broken heart.

Ref. Oh, broken heart, lost in the dark,
Whispers of a love, now just a spark.
Memories like fragments, tearing me apart,
Dancing to the rhythm of a shattered heart.

2. Promises like petals, now scattered in the wind,
A love story written, but where to begin?
The lyrics of our laughter, now a silent chart,
Echoes in the emptiness of a broken heart.

Ref. Oh, broken heart, lost in the dark,
Whispers of a love, now just a spark.
Memories like fragments, tearing me apart,
Dancing to the rhythm of a shattered heart.

Through the tears, I find the strength to sing,
A requiem for love, a melody on a broken wing.
In the ruins of emotions, where shadows dart,
I'll mend the pieces of this broken heart.

3. Sunset of emotions, painting skies so gray,
Yet in the darkness, I'll find my way.
A phoenix rising from the ashes of the chart,
Reborn from the ruins of a broken heart.

Ref. Oh, broken heart, lost in the dark,
Whispers of a love, now just a spark.
Memories like fragments, tearing me apart,
Dancing to the rhythm of a healing heart.

The symphony continues, a brand new start,
From the pain emerged, a resilient heart.
Through the echoes of the past, a resilient art,
A melody of strength from a once broken heart.

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