⋆⋆⁺₊⋆Chapter Four: Today's the Day⋆⁺₊⋆⋆

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~The Next Day~

Being actually serious about making the best sleepover ever, Spruce spent most of the afternoon buying decorations and planning activities

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Being actually serious about making the best sleepover ever, Spruce spent most of the afternoon buying decorations and planning activities. Once he found the last item he needed, he carried his two suitcases, walking all the way to Beachy Palms Resort. He checked in for the hotel room he booked, went up the elevator to the fourth floor, and slid in the card that he got when he checked in and opened the door.

He gasped at the sight of the front room. "This room is gorgeous. And now it's time to decorate this place for the BroZone sleepover, meaning, time to go back home to actually bring the decorations."

Spruce put down his two suitcases and left the hotel room in a flash.


After hugging and kissing Poppy, Branch got inside John Dory's vehicle Rhonda, waving goodbye to her, blowing a kiss at her. He along with Floyd and John Dory waved goodbye to Poppy and Viva. Clay hugged Viva for a while before he got into Rhonda with his brothers, waving goodbye.

"Have fun, Branchifur," Poppy said.

"I will, Popifur," Branch said. "You two have fun during your slumber party."

"Bye, Broccoli Babe," Viva said. "Ooh, text me when you get there and tell Spruce I said "Hi". Oh my gosh, could you bring me something when you get there? Like maybe a seashell or pearl necklace—no, just surprise me. Will you call me soon? Oh, tell Spruce that we said "hi"—oh I already said that. Bye, Broccoli Babe."

Clay smiled in an awkward way. "I will do all those things, babe. Bye bye bye, babe."

Viva smirked at him. "Ooooo, I see what you did right there."

Inside, Branch gave John Dory and Clay a hug. When he came up to Floyd and hugged him and did not let go of him. Floyd hugged him back, giving him a small, tight squeeze. They hugged for quite a minute.

"I know we saw each other yesterday, but I still miss you," Branch said.

"Aw, I miss you too," Floyd said. "At least it's Friday and we can spend more time together having fun."

"You're right," Branch said. "Let's make the best moments of it."

"Best moments ever," Floyd let go of him, smiling at him.

"I agree with you guys on that," Clay said, hugging between the two of them.

John Dory held onto the video camera. "And we got this to capture all the moments he have together too. So, what are we waiting for? Let's go and hit the road. Let's go, girl."

John Dory hopped onto his driver's seat and started the vehicle as Rhonda nodded and moved through Pop Village, making a left turn to the highway.


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