11. A "Friendly" Visit

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On the beach of beach city we can see Steven about to slam his fist onto a countertop
Steven:"give me th-" he was cut off as a bag of frie bits slid to him
Steven:"oh thanks" he said to the boy serving inside the restaurant
Peedee:"ehh I saw you guys coming" he spoke
Greg:"are you closing all by yourself?" He asked
Peedee:"yeah it's just me tonight" he replied
Greg:"that's a lot of responsibility for a kid your age, your dad must really trust you" he said with a smile
Peedee:"don't patronize me sir" he said with a slightly offended look
Steven and Greg walk away
Steven:"bye peedee" he said
Steven:"so like I was saying, Peridot have been shooting this huge robots here from space and when you smash them they explode into goo" he said to Greg
Greg:"that's scary, you know I'm not sure do you feel this gem stuff is to much for you?" He asked with worry
Steven:"what do yo-" he was cut off by a crash sound and he fell over
Window stated to break all over town
Everyone look up
Greg:"what the hay was that?!" He said with panic
Steven:"is that a hand?" He looked into the sky

With the gems
Pearl:"the light cannon is ready" she said to Garnet and izuku
Steven:"guys have you seen that thing in the sky?" he asked
Pearl:"it a ship, we have to assume it's peridot" she told them
Garnet:"lapis told us she would be coming with advance weapons and reinforcement" she said to the two
Steven:"I want to see" he looked though the telescope
Izuku:"ready the light cannons!" He shouted to them
Garnet:"Steven fire them" she ordered
Steven:"if every pork chop was perfect, we wouldn't have hotdogs" he shouted into a radio
The light cannons power on and shot
The ship was uneffected
Izuku:"no effect" he said with a glare to the ship
Greg:"what now?" He asked
Garnet:"will face them head on, the whole town might be in danger" she said
Steven:"I have to make some calls" he said

With izuku
Izuku glares at the ship, a tint of red in his eyes
Eri looks at the ship with worry and fear
Eri:"Papa is everything ok?" She asked with tears in her eyes
Izuku:"Eri everything will be ok" he said looking at her with a soft calming look
He looked back to the ship
Garnet:"Eri can You go into the house please, I need to talk to izuku" she asked with a smile
Eri walked into the house
Garnet:"you alright?" She asked with worry
Izuku:"yes I'm alright" he said
Garnet:"alright" she walks away to pack Stevens stuff and give a speech to Steven
Izuku continues to watch the ship as it continues to move forward
He gets ready to fight as he takes out his weapons
The germs get ready for the fight
Pearl and amethyst fuse into opal and ready to fire arrows
Lion and Steven appears from a portal and sees the sight of the ship
Garnet:"fire!" She shouts
The arrow cuts though the air and splits into a lot more arrows
They impact the ship
No effect
Garnet:"at least Steven is safe" she said
Steven:"hey guys!" He said
They look back and see Steven running at them
Opal un fused
Everyone:"Steven!" They all say
Amethyst:"you came back!" She shouted
Pearl:"what are you doing!?" She said in panic
Izuku:"it's to late!" He said with anger

The ship lands above the water
An orb appears on the ship and rolls onto the tip of the ships finger
Peridot, lapis and a new gem are seen from the orb
Peridot:"that's them alright, their the one breaking my stuff" she said firmly
New gem:"this is it?" She asked
Peridot:"Jasper they keep on interfering with my work" she yell at the talked one
The now named Jasper looked at them with frustration
Jasper:"guess this was another waste of my time" she said
Jasper:"hey get over here" she said while dragging lapis into view
Lapis looked at them with guilt
Jasper:"this is their base?" She asked
Lapis:"yes" she confirmed
Garnet:"you need to leave now!" She shouted to them
Pearl:"this is not a gem controled planet" she shouted
They jump off the ship
Jasper:"anyone seen rose quarts?, what a shame I hope to beating her into the ground" she said with a smirk and an malicious look
Steven look in fear
Eri looked at them and hid behind izuku
Jasper:"this is what's left of her army?, some lost Pearl, a puny overcooked runt, a defected sapphire, this...display, and...a gem experiment, and what is that" whe pointed at Steven
The crystal gems get ready
Peridot:"it calls itself the 'Steven'" she said
Lapis:"he's just a human he isn't a threat at all" she said with panic
Jasper:"I know what a human is, you don't need me for this just blast them with the ship" she said as she walked away
Peridot:"ugh fine" she lifted the ship into a finger gun position
The tip glowed a green color
Garnet:"Steven get out of here" she ordered
Steven:"no!" She shouted
Garnet:"I won't let you risk your life" she shouted back
Steven:"this is my home and y'all are my family!" he shouted
Peridot:"firing" she said
Steven:"I'm a crystal gem too!" He shouted as he jumped to the beam of light
Jasper looked back and grasped
The shield protected them from the attack and disappeared
Jasper:"that shield, you have the power of rose quartz" she whispered
Peridot:"now you believe me?!" She said angry
Jasper:"fire wide spread" she shouted

Izuku and Garnet grabbed Steven and jumped out of the way
Jasper:"rose why do you look like that so weak" she asked
Lapis:"don't hurt him" she shouted
Jasper:"you knew about this" she said
Lapis:"it wasn't relevant to the mission" she spoke
Jasper:"forget the mission" she shouted
Peridot:"what?!" She shouted
Jasper:"Yellow Diamond needs to see this...thing" she stated
Garnet appears behind Steven and punches Jasper
Jasper countered with a headbutt to the attack summoning her weapon
A orange helmet
A shock wave pushed Steven away
Garnet:"Steven run!" She ordered
Jasper:"gem destabilizer" she strikes Garnet with the sword like weapon
A crack forms in the middle of Garnet's body
Yellow cracks grow around the middle
She breaks and falls apart and poofs into two gems
Jasper walks up to Steven
Jasper:"I was their in the first war of this garbage planet I fought against your arms, I respected your tactics, but this is sick, you have failed" she headbutt him nocking him out
Amethyst and pearl ran at them and were destabilizeed too
Izuku watched as they did this
Izuku:"do you... remember me?" He said to Jasper as she held Steven
Jasper:"you, I know you, you were the gem experiment that was successful and the only one" she said as she takes out the gem destabilizer
Izuku summons his sickles ready for a fight
Jasper swings at him, izuku evaded the attack
Jasper suddenly stabbed into his body
Yellow electricity come out of his body
He slowly absorbed the strange yellow energy
Jasper slammed his face with her helmet and poofed him, a red colored gem falls onto the ground
Jasper is stabbed in the leg by Eri with a blue knife
Eri:"leave my Papa alone!" She shouted with fear and shaking slightly
Jasper:"what a insignificant insect" she said, she slammed her foot onto Eri and poofed her

She walk onto the ship and put the gems in separate cages
She takes izuku's gem with her to the lad in the ship
The ship rises into the air and out of the atmosphere.

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