Home sweet home

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Jennie pov

Finally after a long 2 week trip to Paris. For work purposes, I can finally go home.

Lisa should be at home to. She went back home to Thailand for a little while. We talked while I was getting ready to head to the airport and she told me she's at home.

I can't wait to see her.

Me and Lisa have been dating on and off for 3 years. Through the ups and downs we always find our way to each other. We have so much history it's crazy.

We'll have to go to the YG building tomorrow for a meeting with Jisoo and Rosé.

But that's not until tomorrow. Right now I'm focused on seeing my girlfriend.

I'm in the car. Travelling back home. I called Lisa. But she didn't pick up. This girl. How dare she?

What the heck?

Where is she?

I'm 45 minutes away from our home and she's not even picking up her phone.

Does she want to be single today or something?

Lisa pov

Lisa: come on guys I need to go home.

I'm currently out with my friends. It was just a little last minute plan because we were bored. Plus Bambam and Minnie just decided to spam us with messages.

Bambam: we've only been out for 2 hours Lisa.

I sigh

Lisa: Bam, Jennie is coming home tonight.

Bambam looks at me with confusion.

Bambam: why didn't you tell me this earlier? You smell like alcohol.

I sniff my clothing.

Lisa: that clumsy girl spilt her drink on me, I didn't have that much drinks.

Minnie chuckles

Minnie: that's not what Jennie is going to think.

I roll my eyes.

Sorn: Lisa your phone is dead.

I shoot. What if Jennie texted?

Ten: I'll put your phone on charge. Hand it over.

I handed my phone to ten who's driving right now. He hands it to Minnie who puts it on charge.

Ten: that girl was hot though no wonder you apologized to her instead.

Everyone laughs while I chuckle.

Lisa: ew if she's not Jennie Kim I don't want it.

Bambam pushes me

Bambam: so whipped dude.

I push him playfully back.

Lisa: Minnie did Jennie text me.

Minnie checks my phone.

Minnie: Yh like 100 times.

I'm dead.

Jennie pov

I call Lisa again. She's stressing me out. I'm like 15 Minutes away from home yet no answer from Lisa.

This time after calling and texting this girl none stop she finally answers.

Lisa: hey baby...

I cut her off

Jennie: don't hey baby me where the fuck are you and why haven't you been replying to my messages and calls!?

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