Chapter 8- Birthday- and Bachelor's Party

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"I don't want to wait." Daniel said into the kiss, and I can feel myself melt, this one was so much more different from all the other times we kissed but I have no idea why.

I can feel him pull me closer and closer to deepen the kiss.


Daniel's POV

I should stop this, I shouldn't be making out with my best friend, especially not while he's in a relationship. But his kisses make me feel alive, especially this one, it's full of passion. Full of love.

I pull away from the kiss, but I keep his lips close to mine. I'm trying to figure out if I should stop this right here or if I should keep this going.

I need to stop this, but I don't, and I pull him closer again.

Max' POV

This kiss is getting deeper and deeper with every touch. I feel his hands move down from my neck over to my hips and then they started sliding down to my inner thighs. My pants are sitting way too tight right now and before I could continue my thoughts, I hear a knock on the door, and I slowly pull away from the kiss and sigh. Why did Lando have to interrupt us.

"C'mon guys, we should go!" Lando says "Ughh, just five more minutes?!" I say to him as I check the time on the clock next to Daniel's bed. "Just five minutes!" Lando says and I can hear him walk away. "Now, where were we." I say as I slowly move back closer to Daniel's lips and he pulls me closer to get rid of the distance between us, immediately putting his hands between my legs again and I can feel it getting hotter and hotter but luckily Lando interrupted us again. This time I'm thankful because I wouldn't want to know what I would have done if he didn't.

"We're coming Lando!" I say to him, and he grunts as he walks downstairs "We should go Ricciardo." I say as I start to get off of him and he lifts himself up with his elbows. "Ugh fineee." he replies as he stands up. He walks over to Peanut, and he locks her in her cage "Be a good girl for me while I'm gone, okay?" Daniel says to her as if she can understand him "Ruff." Peanut barked, well maybe she can understand him. Daniel grabs his phone, and we head out of the room and walk downstairs.


The car ride was filled with laughter and jokes. We talked about how close the Championship is this year, we talked about our teams and our plans for the rest of the summer break. The day went by, just as planned; we had a lot of fun. First, we took Daniel to a beautiful art gallery that he has been wanting to go to for forever and afterwards we got some ice cream and went to the beach. To end the day, we went to an arcade and ate some pizza while we played many many games (Daniel won most of them) and the ride home was mostly filled with Lando accusing Daniel of cheating at the arcade games. All in all, I'm positive that today really worked out.

Daniel's POV

We just got back home, and the three of us head upstairs. Max and I say goodnight to Lando because he said he needs his 'beauty' sleep, and he walks to his room. Max looks to me and he grabs my hand and takes us to my room.

We changed into some comfortable clothes (I borrowed Max some of my clothes again) and we get into bed. "Today was extremely fun, thank you so much Maxy. Everything was perfect." I say as I look over to Max with a smile.

"Anything for you, Ricciardo." he says as he matches my smile. "Uhm, Max?" I say and Max looks over to me worried "Yes Ricciardo?" he asks me "I'm a little bit tired after today..." I say to Max. "Ricciardo, if you're trying to suggest that we don't make out like we planned, then that's totally fine with me." Max says with a loving smile, and I can't help but smile as well.

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