The Failed Relationship

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***The beginning is the backstory of how you got your ex-boyfriend Kevin. Sorry if it's so long, but I just wanted to write in detail :) Please leave any comments on how I can improve and what parts you liked (if any) or disliked. Thank you! :)***

You were on your way to work when you decided to stop for some coffee at a local coffee shop. You ordered an iced caramel macchiato and waited for your beverage. While you waited, you began to think about the adorable Spencer Reid and even though you have liked him for three years while working with him, he still had no idea you had feelings for him. The idea of you and Spencer dating seemed hopeless and it brought your mood down. Suddenly, there was a tap on your shoulder.

It was your friend Kevin. You have been friends with him since sophomore year at high school, but you haven't seen him for a few years.

"Hey Kevin, what are you doing here?" you asked him.

"I should ask you the same thing, (y/n)," he replied.

"Well I'm just on my way to work," you said, "You know, I actually work for the FBI at the BAU. What are you up to these days?"

"Holy crap (y/n)! That is amazing! I'm glad you finally fulfilled your dream of fighting crime. Right now, I'm in my last year of internship to become a surgeon," Kevin boasted.

"Wow! You're actually becoming a surgeon. Very impressive," You replied as you hugged him. He retracted back and looked a bit nervous, as if he wanted to ask you something important.

"Hey (y/n), are you seeing anyone right now?" he sheepishly asked. The question made your heart jump. Why does Kevin want to know all of a sudden? He can't possibly know that you have feelings for Spencer. You hesitated before you replied.

"No, not really... but I do have someone that I've liked for a long time... his name is Spencer," you said nervously. You felt the blood rushing up to your face. It was definitely red and you had a feeling Kevin saw it also.

"Me, too," he continued, "and that person is actually... you."

"What?!" you exclaimed loudly. The customers in the shop all turn their heads towards you for a second. You gestured them with an apology. "Since when?" you asked him.

"Well, since senior year. That rainy day when you were walking home from school and you put your umbrella over that kitten in the cardboard box on the street... That was the moment when I realized that I like you," he said quietly.

"Kevin... I'm flattered but like I said, I already have someone else in my heart. I'm so sorry Kevin, I had no idea you felt this way about me..." you said with a shy and apologetic voice.

"It's okay if you like someone else, but I just really want the chance to date you..." he replied.

"Even though I like someone else... you still want to date me?"

"Yes (y/n). I've been holding these feelings back forever and I just need to let them out."

"But Kevin, how could I possibly date you when I already have someone else?"

"It's okay. I still want to date you. I'll make you fall in love with me."

"Kevin, please, I don't want to hurt you."

"I promise, you'll have a fun time (y/n). Let's make a deal. If you don't fall in love with me in four months, then you can break up with me and I'll be fine with it."

You couldn't possibly date Kevin while you had feelings for Spencer. But Kevin looked so determined and so eager, so you accepted his deal.

"Okay, but are you really sure you want to do this? It sounds kind of absurd and I really don't want to break your heart," you told him.

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