Consolidation to Conflagration

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That night, Dusk and Outlet have arrived and they are all gathered in Rift's hideout around the mission table. Rift stands at the end of the table with all of them looking at him.

"Right, so, I hope you've all got acquainted with one another. It's important we do as we'll need to be communicating with each other." He starts to hand out earpieces and continues to say, "Here are your earpieces. Pocket them now, but do not lose them."

Kalan then asks, "So what's the plan of attack? I know we're going after some big Corp but that's as much as I know."

"It's a private conglomerate called North Coast Consolidated. A multi-industry that's aiding the Republic in the ongoing war for control."

"Okay... What's the Republic? And what war?" he asks, completely oblivious of the surface history.

Lisana replies, "You don't know about the war? Have you been living under a rock?"

"Eh, yes. Have you looked out the window? This city is all I know."

Lisana looks at Rift and he nods, replying, "It's true, few know of the surface-world."

"You've got to be kidding me," Lisana mutters.

Dusk then butts in saying, "I'm afraid not. This is the entire world to everyone down here. They'll be no match for the NCC when they bring the war here."

Rift then adds, "We're doing this for them. Stopping the bloodshed from reaching anywhere else and putting an end to the NCC."

"I'll bring him up to date with it."

"Thanks... Right, Olly said you guys have been looking into them for the past two weeks. What did you guys learn?"

Roach answers him saying, "Their base of operations is right at the top of the western continent, here." He points onto the holographic map projecting from the table.

Olly then points to the map giving them additional information. "Though, there are subordinate bases scattered around the base miles from each other. Think of them as small cities or strongholds."

"Yes, I've heard of one of them," says Dusk. "Before the war during my time in the Crime Assault Corp, I had seen details about shipments from the NCC. We'd be supplied with weapons and the latest crowd control gases and drones. What was it called?"

"Nimerest Estate," Roach responds with distaste.

"That's the one."

"Other than that, there's Embergate, the death centre for all executions and genocide. And then there's the Malivashe Lands, north of the Great Western Pinnacle. It's the base of all human and sex trafficking. Selling slaves and hard drugs to all over the continent for profit."

"We imagine that's how they originally made their money to make such an empire," says Olly. "In a weird coincidence, it's the pinnacle of their income. If we hit that, they'll take a massive loss in their financial sector." Rift stands there thinking. Olly asks, "What're you thinkin'?"

"Whether we should attack all three at once or do it one by one all together."

Emma then says, "We don't want to waste any time with this. If we take our time, they'll catch up with us using the DNA trackers. They'll realise we are taking out their strongholds. We'll need to do this fast and destructive."

"I agree," Dusk replies.

Rift sighs and scratches his head. "Right, okay. So, three teams, three locations." Rift looks up at them and delegates them. "Dusk, you're with Kalan. You're both going to Nimerest. Bring him up to speed."

RIFT Anthology: Book 5: Breaking PointWhere stories live. Discover now