Chapter Special: The Nemesis Motel

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Megatron: Would you guys like to buy a room, or are you just wasting my time?

Y/n: Listen, listen, listen- I'm sorry about my best friend's family *Gestures to Cheetor*. That his dad there *Points to Optimus Primal*, and those two are his older brothers *Points to Rhinox and Rattrap*, and his recently adopted older brother *Points to Dinobot*, uh... We'll take a clean room. How about a clean room? You got a clean room?

Megatron: Yeah, let me check if I have a clean room *Turns to face the wall of room keys, then quickly turns back around* Oh, look at that, I don't! Would you like the Roach Room, or the Murder Room?

Rattrap: *Nervously with little beads of condensation on the side of his head* What happened in the Murder Room, exactly?

Megatron: Uhh, a couple days ago, Waspinator ate some of Terrorsaur's crayons and threw him out the window and cut his legs off... Would you like the Murder Room or the Roach Room?

Rhinox: Listen, if you can't get us a clean room, we're not staying here!

Megatron: You're not gonna find any better rooms than the Nemesis Motel, pal.

Dinobot: The frag kind of motel is this?!

Megatron: What do you mean what kind of fragging motel is this, pal? Look around you, it's the best on B.C. Earth! It's a Nemesis Motel; it's full of nemeses!

Cheetor & Rattrap: *Laughing in the background*


Optimus Primal: Listen, Megatron, if you can't get us a fragging room- *Pulls out datapad from his chassis* I'm gonna give you a 1-star review on Yelp, GLITCH! *Shoves datapad in Megatron's face*

Megatron: Oh, my Primus *Shoves datapad away from his face before glaring at Optimus* You ain't gonna give me scrap, pal. You either buy a room or GET OUT! I thought this was the Nemesis Motel, but a bunch of Maximals and an ugly flesh creature just walked through my door!

Y/n: What the fuck did you just call me, knockoff Barney- I'm going full Italian on your bitch ass! Faresti meglio a darci una cazzo di stanza! Altrimenti- Altrimenti ti caverò gli occhi, bastardo!(Translation: You better give us a fucking room! Otherwise- Otherwise I'll gouge your eyes out, you bastard!)

Megatron: Someone tell me what's she's saying! What the fuck is she saying?! Dude, I don't speak Olive Garden!

Y/n: *Glares at him even harder, feeling more insulted*

Cheetor, Rattrap, Dinobot: *Laughing their afts off*

Y/n: Guarda stupido! Conterò fino a tre! Se alle tre non ci dai una stanza pulita, clone malvagio di Barney- (Translation: Look stupid! I'll count to three! If you don't give us a clean room at three, you evil Barney clone-)


Cheetor: *Lying; he knows what she's saying* We don't know-

Megatron: Can I get someone who speaks some fragging English!? THIS IS ENGLISH LAND! WE! SPEAK! ENGLISH!!


The second part of the first episode will be out soon, probably later this week.

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