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Hello my dedicated and deprived readers,

So I have been away from this story for over two years... I am still on this platform but haven't touched my stories in fear that I may absolutely die of cringe... 

This is what this lovely update is about.  I will be doing a rewrite of this story. Hopefully with more plot this time. I want to keep the comments and hopefully use those for possibly plot holes. 

I don't know how long this process will be and I am currently busy in school but I will strive to get this done in a decent amount of time. 

I will also be touching up on my other story (the sequel... you should go check it out as half-assed as it may be). Any updates that will be added to either will be as stated above. 

I will keep this one published for possible minor edits but for now, I think the majority of the work will be done on the rewritten version. 

Until next time...

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