Chapter 30

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"So are you guys together now," Max lifted a dark brow

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"So are you guys together now," Max lifted a dark brow. I was walking her out of my house and back over to Reids. We went over to my house to discuss our ideas without disturbing him and his sleep.

I shrugged, genuinely not having an answer to her question. "I think it may be more of a fling. I don't see Reid wanting anything serious with me." I said honestly. I left out the part where I added my insecurities into the mix, something my friends despise when I do.

Max hummed, walking quietly beside me in thought. "I think you guys would be cute together. Like I said, I think you're good for him."

I looked down at the ground, fighting the heat that was scaling up my neck, "thanks, but I'm not sure he would feel the same way."

"You never know unless you ask Jade," we stopped at the front door. She used her spare key to step inside and waved goodbye.

I thought over her words as I went back over to my house. It was Sunday so my grandparents and siblings were most likely on the way home. Jasmin was mad I was exempt from the trip but my grandma thought Reid needed the company more.

The next morning Reid's car was in my driveway. He got out from his side and tossed me the keys. I caught them and took his place, restarting the car.

"I don't think I taught you how to parallel park," Reid said out loud.

"You haven't and never will because I'm not doing it," I kept my eyes focused on the wide road. "It looks hard."

"That doesn't mean it is," he hummed. "And I am teaching you how to parallel park. I'll just take you downtown after work, where you have no choice but to."

"Are not," I grumbled.

"Are too," he replied, leaning back in his seat.

A few minutes later we arrived and checked in. I greeted Jasper like always and assumed my position, overlooking the beach.

"Wassup man," Jasper slapped his palm into Reid's. "How's the fam, I heard there was a crisis."

I turned around, waiting to see how he would respond. He put a smile on his face and shrugged his shoulders," Nothing to worry about, everything will be fine." He said so effortlessly.

"That's good to hear. I'm going to take a walk and then go on break," he nodded to the both of us before trotting down the stairs.

Reid was about to follow after him when I grabbed onto his elbow stopping him in his tracks. His head spun towards me, his light brown eyes staring down.

"You need your sunscreen," I huffed, grabbing the can out of my bag.

"You do this every time," he rolled his eyes but held his arms out regardless.

"Sure do," I said, spraying him down. I let him spray me down as well before tucking the can back in its holster.

"How's your knee holding up," he asked, bringing my focus to my now-healed leg.

His Summer Addiction (Removing on July 30th)Where stories live. Discover now