Finding the gem

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He takes out a map out of his shelve.

He: 'Where did you find that gem?'

He asked me to point the area in the map.

I pointed the area in the map. It was a lake getting formed from a river.

He: 'Good! We will start early in the morning.'

Saying so he left the room.

Next day, we started early to go to the site. We took a bag to carry some things. We had to walk to reach the river. We entered the forest. I was in the same crop top as I didn't have any other clothes. Bushes and leaves were brushing upon my waist causing me to giggle with ticklishness. Some were even brushing upon my belly. It was really hard for me to bear the ticklishness. Just then, a thin stem poked into my navel.
'Ouch', I shouted. He looked at me and saw my condition.

He: 'Wait, let me help.'

Saying so he came near me. I thought he was coming to help me, but little did I know that was not his intention. He came close and put his hand on my back. He pushed my back causing the stem to go deep into my navel. The stem poked my navel knot and I jumped out in pain. He kept pushing me leading the stem to poke my navel knot more. 'Ahhhhh', I shouted. He looked at me and winked. I looked at him angrily. He tickled my waist causing me to laugh and move and the stem kept poking my navel knot. Finally, he let me go. I pulled my navel out of the stem and covered my belly with my palm. I rubbed my navel with 3 fingers as it was stinging with pain. I then went to him and slapped him on his shoulder.

He: 'What! Are you mad? I am sorry. Forget it already'.

Saying so he pinched my cheek and started walking again in the search of the river. I followed him and we walked for an hour. We were tired and thirsty and we stopped and sat down to take some rest.

While we were sitting there he came near me and sat beside me. Then he put his hand on my belly and asked, 'Is it still hurting?'. I nodded no. Then he removed his hand and looked into my eyes. I looked into his eyes. I looked into those eyes for a minute and they looked at me. Then he came closer and kissed my cheek. I don't know what got into me, I was literally frozen. He slowly looked down me until he locked his eyes onto my belly. I smiled seeing him looking at my belly. He looked up at me and smiled. He again put his hand on my belly. I had to admit it was amazing feeling his hand on my belly. He put one finger on the top of my belly and traced it down. I braced myself again. The finger circled my navel and dip into it. I bit my lips with a smile on my face. He pressed deep and the finger touched my navel knot which was already stinging with pain. I moaned in pain. He twisted his finger causing the pain to increase. I grabbed his shoulder and moaned out of pain. Then, in that twisted posture he pulled his finger out of my navel, it made a pop sound. 'Uhh', I shouted in pain. My navel was paining like hell.

Before I knew it, he pushed me and I fell onto the ground. He took a coconut which was fallen beside my belly, made a hole to it with his knife and brought the coconut to me. He poured the coconut water on my belly, the water filled my navel. The water was cooling my stinging feeling. I was feeling very relaxed as the coconut water was lessening my pain with its cool and relaxing texture. 'Huhhhh', I moaned in relief.

He didn't waste the coconut water and drank it from my navel. 'Uhhhhh', I moaned. He then licked my belly. He completely licked the coconut water from my belly. After finishing the coconut water, he got up and helped me get up. He smiled at me and I smiled back. We started our journey again.

We walked for a while and reached a waterfall. Near the waterfall there was a lake. I went near the lake and drank some water.

Me: 'Do you know how to swim?'

He: 'Yes. Why do you ask?'

Me: 'This lake looks so deep. I just want to make sure we don't drown if we fall into it, hehe.'

Saying so I get up. I see his eyes traveling to my navel hearing the word 'deep'.

He: 'Hmm! Remembering about depth, I never measured the depth of your navel.'

Saying so he poked my navel with his finger. I closed my eyes and pulled my stomach in. He pushed his finger further to reach the deepest part. He pushed it more and his finger collided my navel core. A shockwave passed from my stomach, particularly from my navel to my entire body. My boobs got erect and my nipples were standing. He measured his finger inside my navel. His complete finger was inside my navel. That means my navel is as deep as his long index finger. We both were shocked and excited at the same time. He got more excited and twisted his finger inside my navel. A pressure created inside my navel. I sucked in my belly. I grabbed my boob with one hand and started pressing it. I was stimulating myself, I was completely turned on. The finger inside my navel was completing my navel without leaving any gap. It was completely filling my navel. That finger inside my navel was very satisfying. There was no place further for him to go inside my navel, so he wiggled his finger inside my navel scratching my navel walls. I giggled and moved a bit. He then scatched the core with his nail. I laughed like a cute baby, but only this baby's navel was being exploited. My stomach was ravaging with joy. It was shouting to me, 'Kirti, I am loving this.', I could hear it. I put my other hand on my belly above the navel and enjoyed along with it. The small hole in the middle of my stomach was having the best time of it's life. The adorable cute hole was shouting from the depths of my stomach. There were electric shockwaves coming from it and filling my stomach as well giving pleasure to both of them. My boobs were silently having the fun, through me, I was pressing and stimulating them.

He: 'Will you please lie down for a while?'

I did what he asked.

He kissed my navel. I moaned. He then put his hand on my belly and said,'I really love it when you suck in your belly'. I smiled. 'You mean like this?', I sucked my belly in for him. His hand sunk too along with my belly. He got excited, and put his finger inside my navel and wiggled his digit caressing my navel walls. I laughed out, he pushed his finger further which made my already sucked in belly to get sucked more making me run out of air. I was struggling for air when he forced his finger more leading to his finger poking my core. It lead to my stomach completely pushed inside and sophocating. He released his finger before I passed out of air. I breathed air leading my stomach to bloat and my core pressed into his finger. I opened my lips and moaned. My stomach was in sixth heaven. He pressed my navel with his finger, I moaned like a singing bird.

He pulled his finger out of my navel and got up. I looked at him and he went towards the lake. He was looking at something. I got up and checked what he was looking at.

He: 'Hey see, there is something shining on the other side of the lake'.

I looked and there was something on the other side of the lake shining like a diamond. We wondered how we would go there.

He: 'Let's check what that is'.

Me: 'How? the water is deep'.

He: 'It would come until our necks. Come let's go, its okay'.

I hesitated for a while but then agreed.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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