Chapter eight

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3rd person POV

"Good morning loverbirds! Are you two excited to look through Monstadt?"
Beidou rammed into Kazuhas and Scaras room.
Kazuha didn't seem to wake up to Beidous and Scaras surprise.
"Shhhh. Don't wake him up. I'll do it you can check places we could stay in"
Scara was talking in a low whisper just so he wouldn't wake Kazuha up.
Beidou nodded, slowly closed the door and walked away.
Scara looked at Kazuha and smiled he thought 'how can someone like him love someone like me'
"Oh Kazuha how much of a heavy sleeper are you"
He was still whispering.
He caressed Kazuhas face.
He then decided to wake Kazuha up they needed to get ready.
"I-uhm Kazuha"
He said in a voice a little over a whisper.
He didn't know how to wake Kazuha up cuz he never woke someone up nicely and he felt bad to say something evil.
Through his mind was going this: this is shit I have no idea how to wake up someone I should have left Beidou to do it am I really this dumb that I can't even wake someo-!
Before he finished that in his mind Kazuha reached his hand for Scaras and pulled Scaras body onto his own.
So Scara was laying with his tummy on Kazuhas.
Before Scara could process what just happened Kazuha pulled him into a gentle kiss.
Kazuha pulled out and giggled.
"I thought you were asleep"
Scara sat on top of Kazuha while Kazuha was laying on the bed.
"I was, until I woke up and saw you with a cute mad face sitting on the bed"
Scara blushed and got embarrassed.
He hit Kazuhas face not hardly just lightly it didn't hurt for Kazuha.
Kazuha chuckled.
"You! Whatever we need to get ready Beidou was here to wake us up and you didn't"
Kazuha sat up now with Scara on his lap.
Scara refused to sit there and jumped away from the bed.
Kazuha raised an eyebrow but didnt mind it.
"Come on Kazuha! We lost a lot of time just on the bed we need to go!"
Kazuha took clothes pretty normal clothes similar to the ones he usually wears but Scara?
He took the most revealing clothes all he was wearing was a black bodysuit.
Kazuha looked at him he liked it but he felt it was too much.
"Kuni I love the bodysuit and I think that everyone would like it but is it not too much?"
Scara looked at Kazuha
"Hmm maybe it is. What would you put to it to make it look less revealing?"
Kazuha walked to Scaras closet and pulled out a pair of pants short ones really short ones but good enough and a scarf. Not an actual scarf it was more like he wanted to use it to put it over Scaras shoulders.
He showed them to Scara.
Scara looked at it, he put on the shorts they were in the same black colour as his bodysuit.
And Kazuha put the scarf over Scaras shoulders the scarf was in a black colour as well but it had teal marks on it. Scara looked in the mirror
"Hmm it actually looks pretty good. Thanks"
Scara then hesitantly looked at Kazuha but turned his head around and started walking to the door.
Kazuha again didn't understand what just happened but followed Scara.
They walked out of the cruise.
And saw the nice view of Monstadt. 
Everything looked like from a fairytale.

At least that's what Scara thought.
Kazuha was actually confused. Not because of the view, but because of Scara.
He was wondering if he did anything wrong.
Because Scara was most obviously trying to ignore him.
Kazuha had no idea why.
He decided to keep it for later, and continue walking to Monstadt.
With Beidou and Ningguang.
They decided to start of in the main city and then go to Springvale.
They walked into the city, and looked around they thought of going to the Knights of Favonius (bro idk how to write this) headquarters.
"Guys are y'all thirsty I got some water"
Beidou asked as they were only some meters away from the quarters.
"You finally asked. Give it to meeee"
Scara reached out his hand and took the water.
Drinking, and then continuing to walk.
They met Jean, Lisa, Mika, Noelle, Kaeya and Albedo.
Meeting with Kaeya and Albedo started off well...
Kazuha and Scara went to a library because Lisa asked them to. And well they saw them kiss in the corner of the library.
They apologised and then started to talk.
"So are you two dating too?"
Albedo asked while he was getting hugged from behind by Kaeya.
Scara looked at Kazuha and stepped back a little.
"Is it that visible or are you just smart?"
Albedo chuckled
"No you two just look like soulmates"
Scara hardly blushed but desperately tried to hide it.
Kazuha didn't dare to look at Scara. He felt like Scara would kill him with his eyes.
"I-I guys....lets go back to Lisa now okay?"
They all agreed with Scara and went back.

Everything went smoothly.
Kaeya took them out for a drink, to Angels Share (guys I forgot the name)
Kazuha got hardly drunk just as Kaeya and Beidou.
Ningguang and Scara didn't drink anything.
They knew if they all got drunk it wouldn't be the best thing.
And Scara doesn't drink anyway.
Kazuha was looking really bad.
It seemed like he was about to pass out.
He looked at Scara and and put his head on Scaras thighs.
"H-Hey! Kazuha no I....dont fall asleep on me you dickheeaaaddd"
Scara took Kazuhas head and tried to pull him away.
Kazuha though wasn't letting Scara, he kept his head there and nuzzled his head into Scaras thighs even more.
"Mmmmm I loOove you Kuniii"
Kazuha said drunkily.
Scara blushed really hard.
He almost couldn't feel his own face.
He thought he definitely looks like a tomato, and he wasn't wrong.
"Hmmh I-I love you too Kazuha"
Scara whispered.
meanwhile Kaeya and Beidou were drunkily talking.
Ningguang decided that they all should go home.
Being out while drunk isn't the best choice.
"Honey, Beidou we should leave you can't be so drunk, you have to be fit tomorrow"
Scara was so happy Ningguang said it.
Ningguang shook with Beidou trying to wake her up from her drunkness.
Meanwhile Scara trying to push Kazuha away from his thighs.
Kazuha fell asleep and Scara wasn't so happy about it.
"Kazuha wake the fuck up or I'm gonna eat your eyeballs"
"Hm? My balls?"

Scara got flustered, while Kazuha just laughed at him.
"Kazuha....just uhh wake up from your magical dream and move the fuck away from my thighs"
"But why darliiing? You're being mean after a long time what did I do??? Plus my dream was about how I was fucking yo-"
Scara put his hand on Kazuhas mouth to shut him.
While Ningguang was just staring and deciding what to do next.
She just told Beidou to stand up that they're leaving.
Kaeya stood up with them and well Kazuha still didn't wanna move.
Scaras patience was running out but Kazuha was just so drunk that even if he tried to stand up he would probably fall back down.
But.... Kazuha tried anyways just because he was afraid he's gonna get beaten up by Scara.
So he stood up and he felt like he was spinning for a little.
Scara stood up aswell and looked at Kazuha straight to his eyes.
"Huh? You look like you got ran over by a bus"
"R-Really? *cough cough* I don't know what you're talking about"
Scara rolled his eyes and took Kazuhas hand.
Ningguang told them where they're going to be living for the time they will be in Monstadt.
Kazuha was walking well more stumbling over every each step.
He wasn't even in his own mind.

They stepped into the place pretty small of a place.
Scara was holding Kazuhas hand the whole time.
The redness of Scaras cheeks was visible from miles away.
Like roses in his hands when love arises.
Kazuha walked in first very visibly trying to find the bedroom.
Scara pointed his finger to the left.
Kazuha understood and laughed awkwardly.
He ran to the room.
Scara breathed out really hardly.
In his head was nothing plain sounds of the rain.
He looked at the window.
Rain falling down on the ground.
Little droplets dancing on the grass.
Suddenly the water on the grass was gone and a strong wind blew.
Weather should not change that quickly right?
Scara tried to slowly tip toe away as he heard footsteps from the locked door.
He saw a closet, running to it as fast and as quiet as possible.
The door opened someone came in.
He couldn't see anything but he could hear a lot.
"I thought I heard someone walking...nevermind"
A woman voice started talking very lowly.
Not too loud not too quiet.
The door closed and the rain started again.
Scara came out from the closet.
Scared cause he knew the voice from somewhere.
He ran to the bedroom seeing Kazuha sleep peacefully.
He crawled on the bed, cuddling into Kazuhas arms.
Snuggling his head into Kazuhas chest.
Hugging Kazuha and crying falling asleep.

Kazuscara 🍋🩷(EVERY IMAGE I USE ISNT  MINE)Where stories live. Discover now