"The New Guy" (Part 1)

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(okay context for this: i've always wondered what would have happened when jax first joined; so that's what this story is about!)


The headset. The out of place VR headset that was right next to some old school computer in that C&A place. What could it possibly mean? And where did it lead?

It's not like it'll hurt you, dude, just put it on! We'll come back for you, promise! Some people spoke out, watching as the other kid rolled his eyes and put it on.

And everything went black. Once the kid's vision came back, everything was all... colorful? It was like he got sent into a new world. Hesitantly, he backed away a bit and immediately started trying to take the headset off; pulling at his skin with the hope of getting it off. After multiple tries of pulling at his skin, the character looked around and spoke out.

"Alright— alright, very funny, guys! Get me out of this (sproing!)hole! Wha—" the rubber hose rabbit spoke, his hand going to his mouth slightly at the sound off the sudden noise as he tried to swear. "What the f—"

"Now, now! We can't have any of that language here, pal!" a character with big chattering teeth and two miscolored eyes spoke, immediately getting the attention of the rabbit.

"GAH— who— who the (bloing!)—?" the rabbit immediately said, still being thrown off by the censors.

"My name is Caine, I am the pearly white entrepreneur in this place. You, my friend, have stumbled into a world full of wonders where anything is possible!" Caine spoke out. "Well— except for swearing—" Caine then added on.

The rabbit stared for a moment, trying to recollect what had happened. "Woah— woah— hang on, what even is this place?" the rabbit spoke out, trying to get some understanding of the situation. This has to be a dream— right? The rabbit thought, as if trying to convince himself.

"You, my friend, have entered the Digital Circus! A place where any type of adventure is possible!" Caine spoke out. "Now, what is your name, friend?"

"My name?" the rabbit repeated, thinking for a moment. "Uhm— my name is— uh—" he thought for a quick moment trying to figure out what his name was. It was as if his whole identity vanished the moment he entered this... place; the 'Digital Circus', as Caine called it.

"Don't you worry your little head if you can't remember, no one can remember their name once they enter the Digital Circus! One of the few things I don't have control over are your minds! So all I can help you with is coming up with a new one!" Caine spoke, regathering the rabbit's attention. "How about I call you... Jax?"

"Jax?" the rabbit repeated, thinking. "Sure— whatever." Jax mumbled, shrugging.

"Splendid! I will retrieve your new friends; you can go ahead and explore! We will be doing an in-house adventure for your first adventure here!" Caine spoke, disappearing.

Jax was then left alone, and he immediately went to find an exit. He looked everywhere for one; yet he could never find one.

"Ugh, where is this stupid exit—?" Jax mumbled, walking past a mirror before immediately walking back over to it, staring at it to see his reflection.

He stared at his new body, as if he was concerned for what that headset did to him. He was a tall rubber hose purple rabbit; and had reddish-pink overalls with yellow buttons. His teeth were yellow and didn't seem to come apart; yet his sclerae were the same yellow as his buttons and teeth. His gloves appeared to be the same yellow, too. Jax slowly brang a hand up to his face, gently touching it. His pupils were square-like, and it was... weird.

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