chapter one

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Here is a girl in her 25 is standing infront of her parents while head down who are looking disappointed on her

"What you do in this whole year huh that our is again in second place you are no use I give you my company make you ceo and look at you in this 5 years you never take our company in first place"her dad say and her mom agree both looking disappointed

"I wish I could have a son instead of those useless girls" her mom say to her who look at her mom with emotionless look because this is not new for her

"Keep your eyes down"her mom say but she did not look then lastly a hard slap land on her face

"Mom why you slap unnie it's not her fault you should happy that unnie take our company on second place in whole Asia who was once in 4 place" her younger sister lsay but a slap also on her rosy cheeks she put her hand on her cheeks eyes became teary she look at her dad who slap her

"Don't we taught you when elders talk younger should not interrupt them " her dad say tears roll down from her eyes she look down

"Sorry dad" she say

"You both forget your all manners and why will you remember when you both have those shitty gay and lesbian friends " her mom say venom and hated can clearly see in her voice

"Listen you both jeon jungkook and jeon jungsoonie you both are jeon shin and jeon keren's daughter
So better stay away from those foggest " shin say strictly

Both nod there head while looking down one is crying silently and one is total emotionless

"And one more thing tonight we have to go to kim mension look at hwang's daughter and learn something from them one is no.1 ceo and another is famous actress and here at you both. It's useless talk to you both" shin say then went to his room keren also left without looking at her daughters who are broken

Jungsoonie went to her room while crying only jungkook was left alone in hall a drop of tears left from her emotionless eyes but she immediately weep them harshley and left to her room she entered and went in bathroom and stand under the shower cold water fall on her body she scream and shouted loudly and start crying heartly after some time she stop crying and strip and stand in front of mirror she look at her reflection in the mirror and chuckle bitterly

"You are useless jungkook every one hate you you can't do anything your parents never feel proud on you"she bitterly say to her self then went out the bathroom and go in the closet and wear a nighty

"You are useless jungkook every one hate you you can't do anything your parents never feel proud on you"she bitterly say to her self then went out the bathroom and go in the closet and wear a nighty

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She come to bed and lay down And sleep

Other side

"I am really proud of you my daughter you always make me feel proud " kim Hwang say to his elder daughter kim v

" Thanks dad and I always make you proud on me" v say to shin

"Congratulations unnie" v's younger sister kim taehyungie say and hug her tightly who hug her back

"Thanks bear" v say to taehyungie

"Yaa do that properly"

They three look at other side and see there mom and wife akakim reyin was scolding event planners

They three shake there head and went toward her

"Mom why are you scolding them please let them do there work "taehyungie say and reyin nod

reyin went to v and hug her

"Congratulations tiger you I am really proud of you you always make us proud on you " she say and v hmm then

Then she brock the hug

"Ok now you both go to your room and get ready I have brought beautiful dresses for you both now go go"reyin say both v and taehyungie nod and went there room

"And you don't you have to get ready huh did you forget your bestie is coming here after long time"
Reyin say to her husband who nod exitedly

"Ok you should also get ready "

They both went to there room.....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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