3AM Friends

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Haley was freaking out, going over her outfit for the thousandth time. Hillary rolled her eyes "Hales, you look fine." "I don't look 'fine' I need to look gorgeous!" Haley exclaimed and collapsed onto her sister, Hillary whined "Haley! You look great!"

Haley sat up and glared at her "You don't get it, Hilly, he's my soulmate!" "You're fifteen." "Exactly. Hoe can you not understand this? He's the love of my life!" Hillary rolled her eyes "Whatever, good luck. Send me a picture of the wedding." Hillary stood and tried to leave but Haley stopped her, "What do you mean 'send you a picture' you have to be my maid of honor." "I will be, when you get married. And you can be mine."

"I'm marrying, Dylan. I swear!" Haley screamed before getting a text, it was Dylan. She got a goofy smile and responded to his text "I'm here, ready?" with "Yup, coming, one sec, arguing with sis" "K" Haley set her phone down and ran back up to Hillary who was halfway up the stairs.

Tackling her, she asked forcibly "Do you not like Dylan?" Hillary groaned and moved her chin off the step before she got up with the help of Haley who pulled her up. "Dylan is fine. I like him fine, but he's just a boy. He's the boy you like and I accept that. I'm glad you're happy, but... we're too young to know what love is." Haley pouted, then let Hillary up so she could get back to her room to get her phone and her shoes.

Seeing her phone, her eyebrows raised as she saw Dylan's text "Your mom says hi" "Hi back" she responded before putting her shoes on and walking back to the stairs. Hillary sat there and asked "Are you mad at me?" Haley shook her head, "I just think that you don't understand me and Dylan because you never had what we have."

"You think if I get a boyfriend my entire opinion on life will change?" Hillary questioned causing Haley to gasp "Yes! Let's get you a boyfriend!" "No." Hillary groaned and Haley giggled. "I'll talk to Dylan about it today!" Haley exclaimed running upstairs "No!" Hillary tried to stop her but failed.

Leaving the house, avoiding her parents, Haley went to Dylan's car and smiled excitedly "I have the best idea!" "What is that?" Dylan asked as he pulled out of the driveway

"Do you have any single friends?" Dyland gave her a frightened look that made her chuckle "Not for me. I think Hillary needs a boyfriend, any suggestions?" Dylan now looked confused as he drove "I thought your sister was gay."

Haley's eyes widened "You think!?" she shrieked but before Dylan could respond Haley continued talking. "I mean, it would make so much sense. Why she doesn't like anyone. Why she doesn't think our relationship will work." "She doesn't?" Dylan wondered, "Her whole life philosophy is so dumb. Ugh, why didn't she tell me. I mean our Uncles are gay. How dare she!?"

Dylan cleared his throat and pulled her attention back to him "Uh, right, yeah?" she asked, "She doesn't think we'll last?" Dylan whined sadley. Haley shrugged "If I could read her mind I would tell you why." she told him.

That comment got her attention back to her sister, growling she pulled out her phone and called her sister. "Haley, something wrong?" Hillary asked from the other line "Are you gay!?" Haley yelled, again before Hillary could answer she kept talking.

"Why didn't you tell me, I'm your best friend. I'm your twin sister. You know I would accept you." "I-I-I... Haley, no." "No what?" Haley asked, "No, I'm not gay." "You aren't?" "No, why would you think that?" "Dylan suggested it." Hillary sighed, "I just don't think you and Dylan will last because you're so young."

Haley sighed, "Oh, okay. I feel a lot less offended now. So why don't you think me and Dylan won't last." Haley shoved the phone at her boyfriend "Tell him!"

Hillary rolled her eyes, "Good luck with my sister, Dylan!" "Thanks!" Dylan yelled back to her before Haley put the phone back to her ear. "Hey, do you have a type? Trying to get Dylan to set you up with one of his friends is hard if we don't have guidelines." Hillary sighed "How about you look outside of your boyfriend's social group."

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