"Why didn't you tell me?!" I now snap at Kaydi.

"I was so angry with you because I thought you were doing something behind my back!" The little one kicks me again, and I lean against the wall. Kaydi naturally comes over to me and calms the little one.

"Ça me rappelle tellement ton père. Si toi ou l'un de tes frères frappais, il n'avait qu'à poser sa main sur mon ventre et tu te calmais aussitôt. Cela signifie que l'enfant sait qui sont ses parents! (This reminds me so much of your father. When you or one of your brothers kicked, he just had to put his hand on my belly, and you immediately calmed down. It means the child knows who its parents are!)" My mom tells me.

"Mom, I know you haven't done it for a long time, but could you try speaking English?" I ask. Sure, Kaydi can speak French, but it strains her.

"Oh, of course. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Kaydi smiles.

"Let's sit down," my mom suggests. It sounds sweet with the accent. We talk a lot until there's a honk outside the door. Kaydi gets up and opens the door.

"You're 15 minutes early! By the way, we have a guest," I hear Kay from the hallway. Two minutes later, Gary and Tim stand in the doorway.

"Hello, Elena! Long time no see. How are you doing?" Tim asks her right away.

"Great, and you? Do you already have a new one?"

"Momie! Pas si pressé! (Mom! Not so pushy!)" I whisper to my mom.

"Kaydi, we need to talk again..."

"Sure, come with me. I have to pack a few things anyway," Kay suggests. The three say goodbye, and I'm alone with my mom on the sofa.

"Why did Tim ignore you?" my mom asks me right away.

"I don't know, but I have a bad feeling about it. I don't know why, but I have this weird feeling about the whole thing."

"Everything will be fine." Eventually, the three return, and Gary and Tim say goodbye and load the suitcases into the car.

"Food is still available, I have the keys, everything is cleaned up, and Elena's room is ready-" Kaydi starts to say.

"Kaydi, you have everything, and if not, I know my way around here! Don't worry, say goodbye to me and go. Otherwise, you'll miss your flight."

Kaydi hugs me and promises to be on time. Her character won't be needed for about two months, so she can come back.

-Kaydi's POV-

I'm on the plane with many other actors, heading to Romania. I won't be needed in the first week, and in the second week, I'll only be in the background a few times.

Tonight, there's a party with a lot of alcohol because it's Jenna Ortega's (the lead actress) birthday.

-Time jump, 2 weeks later-

The party was a while ago. Unfortunately, I feel very, very bad because... I don't remember anything! There are pictures circulating in the group where I'm seen in the background with Tim! If someone uploads that or Hellie finds out about it, I'm dead! In the pictures, we only "kissed," but I woke up next to him in bed the next day! Let's hope nothing happened...

-One hour later-


Elena just called, and I'm on my way to the jet. Hellie is in the early stages of labor, but in the 1.5 hours I still have to fly, a lot can change.

I arrive at the hospital.

"Miss, you can't go in here!"

"But I'm her girlfriend-"

"Kaydi, you're finally here! Come quickly, it's almost time." I can hear that Elena has improved her English. Oh, what am I thinking about? I go quickly to her and then to the delivery room where Helena is lying. She looks really exhausted, and she's completely wet, and there's a lot of... blood at the end of the bed.

"Everyone out!" the doctor orders after another hour where I encourage Helena and promise to be there for her.

-Time jump, 2 hours later-

Helena is in a medically-induced coma because she lost too much blood. I'm sitting with our little Damion in my arms next to her. I cry both out of joy and out of sorrow for Hellie. The thought of her missing the first months of her child is terrible.

My phone rings. It's Tim.

K: Yes?

T: How are the two of them?

K: Good and bad...

T: Kaydi?! What's going on?

K: Little Damion is doing well.

T: How sweet, a boy. And how is Helena?

K: She's in a medically-induced coma. She lost too much blood. If we're lucky, she'll wake up in a week, and if not, either never or in a month. After 1.5 months, the machines will have to be turned off.

T: Please stay with her until she wakes up! I'd rather not see you back here until then, understood?!

K: Of course, Tim! I love her, and I'll fight for her until the last second.

I eventually hang up. I put the little one in his crib, but as soon as I try to leave the room to get some fresh air, he starts crying. Elena takes him in her arms again, but he just won't stop.

"Could you?" she asks me, sighing. She feels bad that I have to take care of him alone because he only calms down when I hold him. I nod and take the little one from her. I ask Elena if she can get some things from home for me and the little one. She agrees, and go. I lie down on the bed next to Helena and put the little one next to me. He's calmed down since I touched him and falls asleep again.

-Time jump, 3 weeks later-

I went for a walk with Damion every day. Cate and Sandra also visited often, and Elena was there every day. Damion sleeps unusually long at my side, but the doctors said it's normal. However, the bond between us is not quite normal. Helena is still not awake. She shows some signs of life, but she's still trapped in darkness.

I've just come back from a 1.5-hour walk and sit by Helena's bed. The little one is lying on my lap and sleeping.

"Hey, sweetie. We're back. We were out for 1.5 hours and saw lots of animals. The little one looks just like you. He got the brown eyes from you. When I look at him, and we make eye contact, I always see your eyes. Those deer-brown eyes that used to look at me so lovingly. I miss you so much, and I wish you'd wake up." Toward the end, I get quieter, and tears start to flow. I sit next to her for a while until I eventually change the little one's diaper.

"Hey, little one. Did you do your business nicely?" He coos happily and looks at me curiously. Strangely, I feel a gaze on me, but I'm alone, and the room has windows, but they are higher up, so no one can stand in front of them. I pick up the little one's pajamas, then pick him up, and go to the window. I notice it's a full moon today. I take a chair and a bottle and start feeding Damion. Eventually, I close the blinds and lie down in bed. Damion falls asleep quickly, but it takes me a long time. The gaze just won't go away, unless I... unless I look in Hellie's direction! She must be awake and looking at me!

"Helena?" I ask. No answer.

"I'm stupid... how could I think she'd wake up..." I'm interrupted by Damion, who tries to get my long blond hair out of his face with his little hands but fails and starts to whimper slowly. So, I get up to get a hair tie, but as soon as I leave the bed, he starts crying.

"I'll be right back! Hey, Damion. Mister Lee! Argh, you'll drive me to an early grave. How am I going to get back to Romania if you cry just because we don't have physical contact? Oh, come here." I pick him up again, and he instantly calms down. I shake my head and laugh, then go into the adjoining bathroom.

At some point, around midnight, I finally fall asleep.

Is that possible? // English (Helena Bonham Carter)Where stories live. Discover now