Two: First Year

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A bored looking Prefect was leading Marlene and the other new Slytherins down to the dungeons, where their new common room and dorms were.
'I'm Enzo. Marlene, right?' Marlene recognised him as the first of them to get sorted. She nodded, giving him a small smile, which he returned. Draco, the blonde boy from before, turned around to look at her. Marlene frowned.
'You're staring,' she muttered, accidentally standing on the heels of his shoes. He scowled, turning back towards where they were going.

Marlene followed a dark haired girl into the new first year girls' dormitory. Another two followed behind her and they each sat down on a bed, an awkward silence in the room.
'Uh, I'm Daphne,' the blonde girl broke the silence.
'Pansy,' the dark haired girl seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.
'I'm Millicent,' three pairs of eyes were on Marlene now.
'Oh. I'm Marlene.' She mumbled. She hated introductions.

Marlene followed Pansy out of their dorm, still struggling to tie her tie.
'I can't believe we slept in,' Pansy groaned. Their first class was potions, and they were likely to get lost on the way.
'Come on, let's follow them,' Marlene muttered, her tie now loosely strung around her neck. Good enough, she thought. Enzo smiled at her as Pansy and Marlene joined him and the other first year boys. Draco Malfoy seemed to know where the potions classroom was, and took the lead.
'You guys excited?' Enzo asked Marlene and Pansy, a small smile on his face. Pansy nodded, while Marlene pulled a face. Potions sounded like it'd be a lot like muggle science, and she was rubbish at that. She followed the group into a dimly lit classroom that had walls adorned with jars. Marlene looked closer and grimaced at one that looked to be pickled slugs. Pansy pulled her hand, dragging her to a row of desks the group of Slytherins seemed to have claimed in the back row. Daphne and Millicent were in the row in front, whispering about something as they waited for the Professor. The boy with dark wavy hair beside Enzo sighed loudly, dumping his bag on the floor as he collapsed into his chair. He was fiddling with his wand, and his eyes flickered over to Marlene's for a second. She turned her head quickly, seeing her brother and Ron rushing in, taking the last free desks near the front. The boys to the right of Marlene scoffed, and Draco was muttering something under his breath. Professor Snape walked in, his gaze focused on Marlene before moving to her brother.
'Our new celebrities,' he muttered. Marlene felt her cheeks heat up. It was weird, to be famous for something she had only just learnt about. On October 31st, 1981, her and her brother had survived the killing curse that had killed their parents. Everyone said they had defeated Voldemort, but Marlene didn't understand how they could've. They didn't do anything. They were babies at the time.
'Can you show us your scar?' the dark haired boy beside Enzo hissed at Marlene. His tone was harsh, but his eyes were curious. Enzo elbowed him in the ribs.
'What the hell, Mattheo,' he muttered. Mattheo shrugged.
'I'm asking a question.' he whispered. Marlene brushed her dark hair off her forehead, showing him briefly before turning back towards Snape. She could feel Mattheo's brown eyes still on her, but she ignored them.

'Your sister's coming,' Ron's voice was loud and muffled as he spoke through a mouthful of bread. Hermione must have kicked him under the table because he let out a yelp, glaring at her.
'Don't be rude,' Harry muttered as he turned to face Marlene.
'She's a Slytherin, she's friends with Malfoy!' Ron exclaimed. Marlene stood beside Harry, her arms folded.
'You know I can hear you right,?' She asked, her eyebrows raised. Ron's ears went red as he stumbled over his words. 'Just wanted to tell you not to fall off or anything,' she said to Harry, who pulled a face at her words.
'Thanks. Real comforting,' he muttered. She gave him a quick smile before walking away, ignoring Ron, who had started muttering about Malfoy again. Harry had made the Gryffindor quidditch team, something that first years rarely do. Marlene hadn't.

Marlene and Enzo were sitting in the Slytherin common room, studying for their end of year exams. Mattheo and Draco were sitting on the couch opposite them, and Marlene was ready to strangle both of them. They were being highly distracting.
'Shut up will you? You're giving me a headache,' she sighed as they briefly paused their bickering to look at her. Theodore Nott jumped over the back of their couch, joining their argument. Marlene closed her textbook, her head in her hands as the boys raised their voices. 'Bloody hell,' she hissed, her hand slapping on her forehead, which felt like it had burst open, a white hot pain right where her scar was. Her book slid off her lap as she clutched at her head, her eyes squeezed shut. She could hardly hear the abrupt end of the boys' argument as they all turned to her.
'You alright?' Enzo asked, trying to lift her head. Marlene shoved his hands away, getting up on shaky leg, her vision blurring from the pain. It wasn't getting better. She stumbled, several hands reaching out to catch her.
'What's going on?' Pansy's voice was filled with concern from behind Marlene.
'We don't know. Come on,' Enzo said. There was someone on either side of Marlene now, her elbows being held onto tightly as her friends tried to steer her out of the common room.
'We'll never argue again if it gives you a headache this bad,' Mattheo's voice came from her right.
'Idiot, I don't think we actually caused this,' Theo was on her left. They helped her stumble up the stairs.
'She said we were giving her a headache and now look!' Mattheo snapped back.
'Matt-' Marlene mumbled, her eyes still closed. 'You're doing it again.'

Marlene woke up in the hospital wing, and was more than surprised to see her brother in the bed next to hers when she rolled over. His bed was surrounded by various treats and gifts. No doubt he'd done something amazing again. Harry's eyes opened, meeting hers. He frowned at her, reaching for his glasses.
'Ah, you're both awake.' Professor Dumbledore walked over, sitting on the chair in between the two beds. 'I'm sure you're both confused, you especially, Marlene,' He looked over at her, his eyes twinkling. Harry started talking hurriedly, but Dumbledore held his hand up. 'It's okay, the stone has been destroyed.' Marlene was way more than confused now. Dumbledore's sentence seemed to make complete sense to Harry though. 'Now, I have something important to discuss with the two of you. I believe you are connected to each other - not because you're twins, but through your scars.' Marlene and Harry both reached a hand to their foreheads. 'You felt that pain, Marlene, because your brother encountered Voldemort last night. Not in his full form though. I do think, that when one of you comes into contact with him, that you will both experience that pain. It's strong dark magic that created those scars, and your skin can remember who did that to you.' His eyes watched the two of them carefully as they both processed this information. 'Right, I've got a feast to get to. I hope the two of you are feeling up to joining us.' He gave the twins a smile before leaving them. Marlene got up, stretching. Her head spun a little as she got to her feet.
'Coming?' she asked her brother. He nodded.

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