Friend or Foe?

100 11 23

(Please comment! It's a long chapter so enjoy!!!)

Thursday -- 8:09 AM

Chaeryeong's P.O.V

It was like my worst nightmare came true.

All the doubts, sorrow, and betrayal that I felt and got over, came rushing back as if it had never left at all. My mind was like a war raging through an unexpected storm, all my thoughts perished underneath the large seed of doubt planted in the roots of my thoughts. Every memory replaying Taehyun and me, us together and us trying to figure out the truth. Although back then I had no problem thinking of him as an absolute villain, now I can't bear the possible fact that it had been him all along.

And I believed him.

The weather hasn't brightened up since the rainy evening on Tuesday. Now it's cloudy and slightly windy as I walk up the cemented rocky steps. The house was humongous but I had no energy to admire it with adoration as the house itself made me depressed at the thought of who grew up here. Mr. Kang suggested that we meet up at his place so that he can explain. I was hesitant as I was supposed to be at the station with Taehyun and Detective Kim but I couldn't possibly go after the medical documents that I read on Tuesday night.

Taehyun even called me yesterday to ask if we should both go talk to Sakura. I declined because I already had and because I couldn't bear to see him smile at me, and talk to me like he was okay.

Like everything is okay.

I finally stand in front of the dark wooden door that has foggy thin glass windows on either side. It allows me to see who I think is Mr. Kang's figure walking towards the door to unlock it. When he opens the door, I already feel the tears well up in my eyes. His features are so similar to Taehyun's, the stern look he gives me reminds me of Taehyun when he's angry or upset. And when Mr. Kang's eyes soften in pity because of the saddened expression on my face, it also reminds me of Taehyun. I blink back tears as Mr. Kang steps aside to let me in.

I do as he gestures and take off my shoes while I step into the house.

I first see a flight of stairs that look cold and still, I notice no one else is in this house except for Mr. Kang. I expected there to be maids and maybe his partner but I see and hear no one.

Silently, I follow him while he leads me to his office and it's different than the office he brought me to when I interrogated him, instead, he brings me to his office which is on the first floor. Before, his assistant had brought me upstairs where he worked in another room.

This one looked more relaxed than the one upstairs but that's where I realize that I'm mistaken.

His shelves hold nothing except some petty trophies that go back to when he was probably in his teen years. All his drawers were closed and had a lock on them. It's less carefree here, everything is carefully chosen for others to see, and everything that is deemed important to him is locked away in a drawer.

"Mr. Kang, I don't know how to say this but could you show me the real documents of Taehyun's medical condition?" I scrutinized, blinking more tears away and hoping he wouldn't notice. Mr. Kang nods before his hand leaves the top of the brown wooden table which I realize is a reoccurring theme in this house. Seconds later, Mr. Kang hands me a skinny pile of papers that explain Taehyun's rare psychiatric disorder.

"So it's true. Taehyun has dissociative identity disorder, DID for short right?" Mr. Kang gives me another slow nod as if confirming this for me will make me snap. And well I don't exactly snap but I turn my head as my face scrunches up to suppress the tears.

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