Chapter 7

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When the sun came in through the window, Jisung blinked his eyes open. He remembered falling asleep holding Felix, but now he woke up on his back, Felix tucked into his side with a leg slung over him.

Jisung didn't have siblings, and he wondered if this is what it would've been like if he had a brother of his own. He couldn't help but smile looking at Felix's peaceful sleeping face, and he felt bad knowing that by peeling Felix's leg off of him in order to get up, he'd wake him up in the process.

"Huh whuh what happened??" Felix mumbled, still half-asleep, as Jisung gently moved his leg off him and extracted himself from the bed.

"Nothing, dummy. You are just very clingy in your sleep." He thought about it for a second. "And I guess also when you're awake, actually."

Felix sat up in his bed, slouching forward, his hair a bleach blond bird's nest. He had a red mark across his cheek from where the texture of the comforter had stamped itself onto his face in the night.

"What time is it?" he asked, his voice even lower than usual, as it always was first thing in the morning.

Jisung went to check the time on his phone, but his phone was dead. He looked around until he saw Felix's phone plugged in on his nightstand. He touched the screen to waken it, and as he started to reply that it was 9 am, he was distracted by what else he saw on the screen.

Jisung unplugged Felix's phone and tossed it into his lap on the bed. "It's 9. And your phone is blowing up."

Felix blinked up at Jisung with eyes swollen from sleep and then looked down at his phone, while Jisung smiled to himself as he walked to the bedroom door to let himself out. Hyunjin had finally texted Felix, and by the looks of it he had a lot to say. But knowing Hyunjin, this wasn't how he'd have a serious conversation, so Jisung could imagine the level of silly, sweet Hyunjin-y stuff that was awaiting Felix--who would no doubt be ecstatic to have finally heard back from him.

"Ya!" Felix shouted as Jisung closed the door behind him, "FINALLY!"

Jisung treaded down the hallway and found Jeongin and Chan on the couch, zoning out to some TV.

"Um hey," Jisung started as he stood off to the side, his eyes mindlessly watching along with them. "Any chance Minho's been up yet?"

"Mmm," grunted Chan tiredly--no further response.

"Yeah," Jeongin said without taking his eyes off the screen. "He left not too long ago. Wait--you share a room together, why wouldn't you--"

"I bunked with Felix last night," Jisung cut him off. "He was feeling lonely without Hyunjin, so."

"Mmm," this time both Chan and Jeongin grunted noncommittally. A moot point.

Jisung turned on his heel and headed back towards his room, glad the coast was clear. He just wanted to plug in his phone and freshen up...and it wasn't exactly like he was avoiding Minho as per usual. He just...thought maybe Minho would want some space, in case he was embarrassed.

Who the fuck am I kidding?, Jisung thought. I'M the one who's embarrassed.

Jisung plugged his phone in to charge and got in the shower to wash himself. off As the water was heating up he looked his face over in the mirror.

He touched a finger to his right eyebrow, noticing some dried blood and a cut. He was relieved that it had only been his eyebrow bleeding and not anything else. It felt like a miracle that his face didn't hurt too badly right now.

While fingering the ridge of the cut to his brow, Jisung suddenly could feel Minho's hands on his face again. He realized that mere moments before taking Jisung's face in his hands, one of those hands had been touching his....

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