Episode 1: First Week

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"Ou girl when I tell you I'm glad we done. I don't want to see another box until I order something." Kalaysia said plopping on the couch. I laughed.

"Are you going to that party tonight?" I asked Aysia checking my dms.

"Which one? The house party Josiah throwing or the campus one?" She asked sitting up on the couch.

"House party." I said looking up.

"Oh yea I'm down to go there. I been tryna get with Josiah since the summer. Let me find something cute. And tell diamond we going out tonight." Aysia got up and went to her closet. I laughed.

Me and Kalaysia are Seniors in college. We go to Clarkville University in Detroit. She been my home girl and roommate since Freshman year. We connected really close when I seen her and her bestfriend Diamond fighting and I jumped in. Diamond, my homie too, with her gay ass.


I was in the corner checking the scene out. I'm not really too much a party girl being that you never know what's gone happen. It was people everywhere. I seen Diamond and Aysia walking up to me.

"So Diamond tell me something." Aysia said.

"What it is?" Diamond replied. They were both on the opposite side of me.

"Why is it we at a party, and I'm walking up to a shorty standing in the corner all alone? Looking mighty fine too." I laughed.

"I don't know, but indeed she is. You got a name?" I rolled my eyes and played along with their game.

"Imani." They looked at each other and smirked.

"Well hello Imani, we your worst nightmare." Aysia said and they jumped on me hugging me.

"Get off me." I said laughing pushing them off. They stopped laughing. I fixed my clothes up.

"Girl why you over here? Looking like a watch dog." Diamond said. We all laughed.

"Fuck you. I'm just chillin though. Yall know how I am at parties." I said.

"We do, which is why we came over here. To check on you and to see if you gone party with us." Aysia said fixing my hair.

"I'm fine. I will in a little bit." I said turning my attention to the front door. In walked Charisma Turner. Me and her used to be friends in middle school until she thought I wanted her boyfriend. Crazy how he wanted her sister the whole time. She had three boys with her. They all were tall, but it was one that caught my eye.

"Who is that with Charisma?" I asked my girls.

"That's Khalil. I heard she been fucking with him for a lil minute." Aysia said.

"He bad news though, don't fuck with him." Diamond also added. "I see my girl ima holla at yall later." Diamond walked away to her girlfriend.

"And I see my man. I will come back and check on you. Please don't be in the same spot." I laughed at Aysia.

I continued to look around and put my eyes on Khalil. He was handsome to me. And his smile was beautiful. I looked away because I didn't want him to notice me looking at him. I gave it about a good minute before my eyes darted back to him. Only this time he was looking at me. He started walking towards me.

I stood up straight fixing my clothes and making sure my lip gloss still intact.

"How you doing beautiful, my name Khalil, yours?" He said. His voice was so deep but smooth, it got my pussy wet.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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